2021-09-29 107 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:54:07) links

RT @Mark_Narusov: While Auschwitz has become the definitive symbol of evil for the West, there is not even close to the same taboo for excu…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:47:37) links

RT @ericgeller: I had no idea that Austria's intelligence agency was basically considered a joke, but Ben's reporting makes that ... pretty…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:45:40) links

RT @ericgeller: I'm late to this, but @bentaub91's story about a Syrian intelligence chief's escape into hiding in Europe, aided by Austria…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:35:57) links

RT @tikums: Ja ir naida runa, tad ir arī naida māksla utml.

Artis Schlossberg
(23:33:41) links

RT @realNepareizais: Latvija 2022. gadā uzbūvēs 60 km pastāvīga žoga uz robežas ar Baltkrieviju. 2023. gadā 45 km Lietuva līdz 2022. gada s…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:28:40) links

RT @IRezebergs: Valsts, kas gatava sevi aizstāvēt

Artis Schlossberg
(23:28:29) links

RT @ZarinsI: kāds var paskaidrot, kāpēc mēs tā nevaram?!... @krisjaniskarins @MGolubeva_LV vai oficiāli paprasīt?

Artis Schlossberg
(23:27:33) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/0Pnp69ZYvV

Artis Schlossberg
(23:27:29) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/XF4AzkiU7g

Artis Schlossberg
(23:22:01) links

RT @EdgarSk: Ļoti feina saruna, pilna ar pamatotu lepnumu. „Es esmu no Latvijas!” http://t.co/tCCA3yfg

(23:18:20) links

The Supreme Court and the Future of Roe v. Wade https://t.co/AEXxivIIeD

Artis Schlossberg
(23:07:59) links

RT @JanisTeresko: Pāvels Latuško: Baltkrievijā vienā no VDK treniņnometnēm iesūtīšanai Eiropas Savienībā pašlaik tiekot gatavoti migranti a…

(23:03:03) links

5 golden rules of ethical web design (& how to apply them) - https://t.co/rFIR5y6hQU Learn how to practice ethical design communication in your web designs by applying 5 simple rules. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/JrcwUsoF0D

Artis Schlossberg
(22:58:21) links

RT @JohnGHart: https://t.co/0ifiu6nGCW

Artis Schlossberg
(22:55:25) links

RT @manssaprats: Austrālijā Viktorijas štatā 95% hospitalizēto dēļ kovida ir pilnībā vai daļēji vakcinēti. Interesanti, ka Latvijā hospita…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:42:26) links

RT @realNepareizais: Gailis par žogu. https://t.co/5VgWWwhewi

(22:22:59) links

Ja parādas plānprātiņš melu trollis @ainissprogis ar savu n-simto reizi to pašu dziesmu. laiks atiet un turpināt lasīt Bob Woodward un viena cita žurnālista grāmatu "Peril" par aptrakušā Trampa pedējiem mēnešiem un dienām Baltajā nāmā.

(22:10:03) links

The Future of Healthcare UX Design - https://t.co/kv9B0TEvXx The more all industries become dependent on mobile applications & software platforms for business, the more critical UX design will be in any given practice. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/6t

(21:53:08) links

Latvian police launch criminal investigation on alleged child pornography in internet illustrations by controversial artist and Latvian Academy of Art professor Kristians Brekte, who gained notoriety for a "Picasso-like" wall mural on a school in Riga.#artisticfreedom

Artis Schlossberg
(21:48:46) links

RT @darius_mereckis: Received the most interesting gift -historic Swiss issued study of early 20th century strugle to ensure Lithuania's i…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:34:22) links

RT @manssaprats: @guntarsv Šeit jāpiebilst, ka 32% FDA apstiprinātu medikamentu tiek atsaukti vai tiem tiek pievienoti augstākās pakāpes br…

(21:06:02) links

Kinetic Typography Page Transition - https://t.co/wPr8IR4Yvc A concept for a kinetic typography based page transition where background letters come into the foreground and reveal a new content level. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/PP7cCirb4O

Artis Schlossberg
(20:34:49) links

RT @MrAndyNgo: Stunned customers watch a brazen robbery at Ulta Beauty in Chicago: https://t.co/12fG4R7DBh

Artis Schlossberg
(20:34:20) links

RT @TOzgokmen: Interesting comments... Global Energy Crisis is clearly the #1 economic problem right now: https://t.co/NqonndlOOM via @Y

(20:03:02) links

Visual Studio Code Shortcuts: A Programmer’s Guide - https://t.co/cd4HYh8ldV Some of the most useful Visual Studio Code shortcuts that will save you time and supercharge your development when using Visual Studio Code. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/Q8KZPqU

Artis Schlossberg
(19:55:41) links

RT @zuravlevs: @latviangrey @marruciic Neredzu atšķirību starp naida runu vai naida zīmējumu. Kur ir atšķirība? Kāpēc par vienu sodīt, bet…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:21:13) links

RT @DoombergT: #uranium #uraniumsqueeze $SRUUF https://t.co/HDe7gA0WNK

Artis Schlossberg
(19:10:44) links

RT @zuravlevs: @JanaSima Ja pastāv naida runa, tad ir naida zīmējumi. Kādai sabiedrības grupai var nepatikt un aizskart viņu jūtas. Kāpēc š…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:02:33) links

RT @TadeuszGiczan: Humanitarian crisis artificially created by the Lukashenko’s regime continues (short thread). Every day some 500 migrant…

(19:00:04) links

Automatically expand a textarea as the user types - https://t.co/e52TamxS7m A really neat little helper function that automatically expands a textarea as the user types in. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/xcfWfkaHr0

Artis Schlossberg
(18:55:08) links

RT @realNepareizais: Polijas robežsargi gatavi jaunām Baltkrievijas provokācijām. Baltkrievi savā robežas pusē izsniedz kamuflāžas formas t…

Artis Schlossberg
(18:07:13) links

RT @Mikipele6: Mūsu Progresīvi liberālā inteliģence ir apveltīta ar spožu viedokļu brīvības izpratni-melnīša saldējums un sieviešu sporta t…

Artis Schlossberg
(18:00:46) links

RT @agris_krusts: Piemērs IoT sistēmu drošībai un tam, ka katram, kuruš izmanto vai uzstāda sistēmas, kuras tiek pieslēgtas datu pārraides…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:58:26) links

RT @BenedictIbjo: Kad cilvēki tiek vertēti lopu mērvienībās, pilnīgi saprotami, ka veterinārijas pieeja ir atbilstošākā. Nākamais līmenis b…

(17:50:12) links

Top Free & Premium WordPress Calendar Plugins - https://t.co/QsSiIB9XbS #WordPress calendar plugins are ideal for scheduling things like boardroom meetings, work events, family meetings, and other important dates. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/hoN4wbT

Artis Schlossberg
(17:43:14) links

RT @danieljoachim: I love these parody accounts. They're hilarious.

Artis Schlossberg
(17:41:55) links

RT @realNepareizais: « Igaunijā, kurā iedzīvotāju skaits ir 1,32 milj., tiek izdoti 3634 grāmatu nosaukumi gadā, savukārt Latvijā uz 1,92 m…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:40:57) links

RT @StZaryn: Co dziesiąty weryfikowany przez służby nielegalny migrant, który przybył do Polski w ost. tygodniach, może mieć powiązania z o…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:33:42) links

Ministra iedomas vs. realitāte https://t.co/yesCYHaQcK

Artis Schlossberg
(17:20:53) links

RT @liana_langa: “Es iedomājos, kas notiktu, ja sāktos karš…” Gailis par nožēlojamo situāciju ar žoga būvēšanu https://t.co/dLPCkSD9kg

Artis Schlossberg
(17:12:07) links

RT @Straz_Graniczna: Unfortunately, the record - yesterday, on September 28, the Border Guard recorded 473 attempts to illegally cross the…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:48:40) links

RT @guntarsv: Bondars ļoti labi izskaidro algu kāpumu politiķiem: 1) politiķi dzīvo no ‘maizes un ūdens’ 2) ‘katrs cīnās par savu kumosu’…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:46:37) links

RT @DurhamWASP: Sir Roger https://t.co/ADy4XWqWAw

Artis Schlossberg
(16:42:14) links

RT @LithuaniaMFA: "You can't just go into the EU. MS have the right and the obligation to protect their external borders from unauthorized…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:28:02) links

RT @georgvh: Hungary's deal with Gazprom should be scrutinised under EU "security of supply" rules, says European Commission #GasCrisis htt…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:27:45) links

RT @jspikebudapest: #Hungary and #Ukraine summoned each others' ambassadors over Budapest's 15-year deal to purchase 4.5 billion cubic mete…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:26:29) links

RT @EuromaidanPress: Ukrainian FM Dmytro Kuleba called on Hungary not to "unwind emotions" due to the crisis over the signing of an agreeme…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:22:43) links

RT @JMGlachant: Budapest signs direct gas deal with Gazprom 15 years long 4.5 bcm per year Gazprom will deliver to Hungary bypassing Ukra…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:17:32) links

RT @visegrad24: The border in Röszke I visited with PM Orban is the only efficient Schengen border. Mass unchecked illegal migration has n…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:11:46) links

RT @anders_aslund: Russian independent Novaya gazeta explains how Gazprom blackmails Europe with reduced gas supplies, boosting EU gas pric…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:04:59) links

RT @KenWebsterII: “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.” - Milton Friedman https://t.co/A0jpmDXRas

Artis Schlossberg
(15:59:20) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/5FjpEEDnmT

Artis Schlossberg
(15:59:14) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/y8hwZvFMjr

Artis Schlossberg
(15:59:08) links

RT @tikums: Migranti, kas pietuvojas

Artis Schlossberg
(15:58:28) links

RT @BasedPoland2:

Artis Schlossberg
(15:58:02) links

RT @realNepareizais: Passenger cars in the EU https://t.co/t5ieNKVY2M

Artis Schlossberg
(15:55:08) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/4WnChLgIfI

Artis Schlossberg
(15:54:32) links

RT @realNepareizais: Vakar jauns rekords - pāri Baltkrievijas robežai Polijā centās iekļūt 473 nelegālie migranti. Nevienam tas neizdevās.…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:53:35) links

Ja ir naida runa, tad ir arī naida māksla utml. https://t.co/jn8IATdILD

Artis Schlossberg
(15:49:40) links

RT @tikums: “Simply put, the goal should be to alleviate America’s simultaneity problem by giving Russia incentives to be less of a Europea…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:47:12) links

RT @tikums: Pagaidu žoga progress uz

Artis Schlossberg
(15:43:02) links

RT @realNepareizais: Wing, a home drone delivery service operated by Google's Alphabet in Canberra, Australia, was forced to temporarily sh…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:40:16) links

RT @akmens: Hhh:) "Vakar" tā zombijmeitenīte+uz viņu notēmētais dzimumloceklis acīmredzot bija OK. Šodien daži attapušies,ka Brekte bīstami…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:54:51) links

Nekas nav mainījies. Vieni ceļ, citi grauj. https://t.co/lHYahwySTP

Artis Schlossberg
(14:09:13) links

RT @Cyber_O51NT: Supo: Finland 'continually targeted' by foreign cyber espionage https://t.co/hDkr7822zf

Artis Schlossberg
(14:05:35) links

RT @liana_langa: RT Vēlamies dzirdēt @Pabriks @MGolubeva_LV @krisjaniskarins skaidrojumu sabiedrībai LSM, kāpēc Latvijā pastāvīgais žogs p…

(13:29:05) links

I just published Latvia mandates vaccination for teachers, medical workers and social service providers https://t.co/ZFWIhFOeNM

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(12:59:31) links

RT @InfoBibl: .@LU_Datorika student! Vai esi pamanījis, ka e-grāmatu klāsts datorzinātnēs ir papildināts? ➡️ E-grāmatas pieejamas ProQuest…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:53:42) links

RT @LT_MFA_Stratcom: Video from the @Straz_Graniczna (the Polish Border Guard agency)

Artis Schlossberg
(12:53:13) links

RT @liana_langa: Kāpēc Lietuvā pastāvīgais žogs būs gatavs nākamgad, bet Latvijā - 2024. gadā? KĀPĒC? @IeM_gov_lv @AizsardzibasMin https:/…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:43:13) links

RT @tikums:

Artis Schlossberg
(12:42:15) links

RT @realNepareizais:

Artis Schlossberg
(12:38:49) links

RT @MansRAD: The next issue of Survival includes an article on the potential and limitations of Russia's A2/AD-capabilities by Michael Jons…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:33:24) links

RT @iljenkof: @serioussam909 @KasparZ Jā, noteikti nav īstās prognozes, tāpēc vēl nevar. Tad, kad rezultāts ir viņiem vēlams, tad nekādu pr…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:57:59) links

RT @GrayConnolly: Angela Merkel's true legacy: the Russian energy hegemony

Artis Schlossberg
(11:53:53) links

RT @JavierBlas: ENERGY TRANSITION: The dirty secret of the solar PV industry is that it relies a lot on Chinese coal. When Beijing shuts do…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:50:22) links

RT @a_anusauskas: Lithuania is one of the 10 countries whose military capabilities make up the #JointExpeditionaryForce (#JEF) led by

Artis Schlossberg
(11:50:10) links

RT @OlenaHalushka: Kremlin is slowly & systematically achieving that RU gas bypasses UA. Turkstream was launched last year & Russia now bla…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:48:47) links

RT @ErikVoorhees: *Second time in history. First was 1971

Artis Schlossberg
(11:44:09) links

RT @sumlenny: Gas price in Europe surge over $1000 per 1,000 ccm for the first time, London Exchange ICE reports October gas futures price…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:36:47) links

RT @pArt07: Izskatās, ka ir vairāki izglītoti cilvēki, kuri nez kāpēc iedomājas, ka liberālisma brīvības darbojas tikai viņiem tīkamā virzi…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:27:16) links

RT @tikums: @AndisFeldmanis @realNepareizais @LindeBaiba Būsim godīgi: ikvienam žogam — pat vislabākajam žogam — iespējams pārkļūt pāri. Žo…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:21:00) links

RT @tikums:

Artis Schlossberg
(11:12:22) links

RT @RaoulGMI: Humour me, let's just imagine that QE does actually debase a currency then it surely would have effects something very much l…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:53:58) links

RT @SleuthMarket: @TOzgokmen As an old bond guy myself I know we're supposed to be the adults in the room, but check this one out. I'm brea…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:33:30) links

RT @GrayConnolly: The French draw 75-80% of their power from zero-emissions Nuclear - originally this was about France ensuring it is not h…

(10:14:57) links

Un kad būs dziesma "dzimtes (gender) variācijas neeksistē, neeksistē, neeksistē!" un tās dokumentēt un pētīt ir viltus gender studies. Tiešām? https://t.co/cpm61Kyo2H?

Artis Schlossberg
(10:13:22) links

RT @vilnisliepins: @JurgisLiepnieks Pie jebkādām cenām valsts enerģētiskā drošība ir uzreiz aiz militārās drošības. Bez enerģijas, ko mēs i…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:10:37) links

RT @guntarsv: Varbūt viena no nesaprastākajām lietām par C19. C19 viļņiem pa lielam nav saistības ar ‘ko’ tu dari. Uzliesmojums atnāk, aiz…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:04:41) links

RT @AFP: Belt and Road 'hidden debt'. China's ambitious foreign infrastructure push has saddled poor nations with "hidden debt" worth $385…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:51:22) links

RT @cepa: "Dirty money, regardless of its origin, both impoverishes its source and taints its destination." @edwardlucas explains to @House

Artis Schlossberg
(09:44:13) links

RT @franakviacorka: Lukashenka leads to war. Belarusian border guards aim at Polish ones, pull shutters, reload, shoot into the air. Lithua…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:34:44) links

RT @purina_dace: Es iedomājos, kas notiktu, ja sāktos karš – vajadzētu uztaisīt konkursu, lai nopirktu patronas. Pēc tam to pārsūdzētu. Kam…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:29:55) links

RT @visegrad24: The Polish Minister of Defence and the Polish Minister of Interior display shocking content found on a captured illegal mig…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:27:04) links

RT @kSukevics: Ja šī ir taisnība, tad kārtējo reizi pierādās, ka pašreizējā migrācijas politika ES nestrādā un ka ideja "vispirms ielaist,…

Artis Schlossberg
(02:33:57) links

RT @ivanastradner: One more #HavanaSyndrome attack on a @CIA officer — this time in #Serbia. https://t.co/tC2DRH8U6x

(02:01:03) links

How to Add and Subtract Time From a Date in JavaScript - https://t.co/snVgarjnFg How you can add and subtract time to a Date object in JavaScript. Use the getTime() function to add and subtract time to a Date object. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/O8CiFneF

Artis Schlossberg
(01:34:37) links

RT @zeltmatis1: Polija brīdina, ka starp migrantiem uz Baltkrievijas robežas atrodas arī tādi, kuri saistīti ar teroristiem https://t.co/2s…

Artis Schlossberg
(01:30:09) links

RT @holden: A pretty on point 1990s prediction about the internet. https://t.co/P4hd8bZpKy

Artis Schlossberg
(01:20:52) links

RT @StZaryn: On Sept 28, 1939, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia started next phase of „friendship” by signing new Pact after joint invasion a…

Artis Schlossberg
(01:10:30) links

RT @liana_langa: Filozofa Raivja Bičevska un Raivja Zeltīta saruna aplādē par konservatīvo revolūciju https://t.co/ujaVT9BC0N. sākumā, iesa…

(01:10:03) links

Let’s Dive Into Cypress For End-to-End Testing - https://t.co/KJW0Axi8QU How to handle end-to-end testing with Cypress and make it make it not so tedious and expensive for yourself, but fun instead. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/whyQWekgXy

Artis Schlossberg
(00:34:17) links

RT @nexta_tv: Unknown people on the border turned out to be SSAM (Special Service of Active Measures),better known as the Special Forces of…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:33:14) links

RT @nexta_tv: Migrants continue to try to illegally enter the European Union from #Belarus through #Poland and #Latvia In

Artis Schlossberg
(00:20:13) links

Pagaidu žoga progress uz

Artis Schlossberg
(00:08:30) links

RT @ImantsViksne: NBS komandieris šodien stāstīja, ka uz Latviju gan nabadziņi vien nāk.

(00:06:03) links

5 Signs that Being a Web Developer is for You - https://t.co/agz00OMdJE Let’s talk right now about some reasons why you might wish to become a web developer. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/fHfk7PtOb3

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