2021-09-09 75 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:46:59) links

RT @EdvinsSnore: Biju ReTV diskusijā par ebreju īpašumu restitūciju ar D.Krupņikovu, Attīstībai Par deputātu M.Bondaru un neatkarīgo eksper…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:41:08) links

RT @dw_europe: Defense spending varies widely across the EU. In 2019, member states' expenditure ranged from 0.2% to 2.1% of GDP. Germany…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:37:29) links

RT @davidboxenhorn: What is Poland doing?

Artis Schlossberg
(23:36:57) links

RT @Ayjchan: “many types of human error.. lead to worker exposure. If the exposed worker acquired an undetected or unreported laboratory-ac…

(23:29:55) links

The Justice Dept. sues Texas over its new restrictive abortion law. - at least this.

(23:03:03) links

The Best UX Research Methods in a Pinch - https://t.co/smSgZXa3kZ These are the go-to methods I can fall back on when I need to learn quickly and effectively. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/0xthTIxmie

Artis Schlossberg
(23:00:54) links

RT @JB4LV: Ļoti labi, ka tiesībsargs izsakās par murāli. Nezinu, vai ir izteicies par stabiņiem, bet noteikti vajadzēja. Jo vairāk viņš izt…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:55:59) links

RT @emanuelrutten: "Science is driven by the assumption that the world is intelligible" (Thomas Nagel, Mind and Cosmos, p. 16)

Artis Schlossberg
(22:55:06) links

RT @c_talbot: "There are things that science as presently conceived does not help us to understand, and which e can see, from the internal…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:53:04) links

RT @mydocjackson: Evolutionary naturalism implies that we should not take any of our convictions seriously, including the scientific world…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:30:34) links

RT @balt_security: Challenger 2 tanks and other equipment with the Royal Tank Regiment (RTR), @BritishArmy

(22:17:48) links

Attiecas uz "vairākumu" Latvijā par Satversmes maiņām un 50.gadu ASV dienvidu štatu vairākumu par rasu segregāciju skolās. https://t.co/A8ugHZWbdC

(22:10:02) links

Creating a Portfolio to Showcase Your Engineering Abilities - https://t.co/591sDP4Qjq A portfolio exhibits the creative side of a software engineer who’s willing to invest time in explaining their work. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/yEWgEm0Dmb

Artis Schlossberg
(21:08:28) links

RT @pmakela1: Step by step Russia takes over Belarus

(21:06:02) links

How Cloud Backup Solutions Help You Save Your Designs - https://t.co/bVJoKmIk5T You don’t want to waste any time by laboring on an idea that gets lost because it wasn’t stored properly. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/Ump3IvKOuQ

Artis Schlossberg
(21:03:59) links

RT @Defence24pl: Na manewry zaproszone zostały kontyngenty sił zbrojnych Armenii, Białorusi, Indii, Kazachstanu, Kirgistanu i Mongolii. | #…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:03:45) links

RT @JulianRoepcke: Deutschlands Sicherheitsbehörden schlage Alarm: Russlands GRU attackiert Hunderte Bundestagsabgeordnete, erbeutet Passwö…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:40:06) links

RT @DurhamWASP: "I believe a man is happier, and happy in a richer way, if he has "the freeborn mind." But I doubt whether he can have this…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:30:37) links

RT @lsmlv: Lietuvā aizdomas par koordinētiem nemieriem bēgļu nometnēs; Latvijā neredz pamatu bažām. https://t.co/oizTW93uLF

Artis Schlossberg
(20:09:03) links

RT @guntarsv: Toreiz viņa publiski grāva uzticību ĢĀ institūtam. ĢĀ nepietiekoša iesaiste ir būtisks faktors zemam vax %, īpaši senioru gr…

(20:03:02) links

3 Ways Human Interaction Increases Creativity - https://t.co/Xf3WMn23Ak Human interaction increases creativity, which in turn leads to a happy, more fulfilling life. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/YdpWcTTmAD

(19:51:16) links

Howard Stern blasts unvaccinated Americans, casting vaccine mandate as ‘freedom to live’ https://t.co/wJSWojcrY0

Artis Schlossberg
(19:45:10) links

RT @NewDiscourses: Generally, advocates of Critical Social Justice and many others with similar sympathies support “banning” hate speech, t…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:09:19) links

RT @jautaa_veel: Vīrs, kuram Urzula fon der Leiena grib pārskaitīt 1 miljardu Eiropas nodokļu maksātāju naudas.

(19:00:05) links

Mars Theme: A Deep Look at Frontity’s Headless WordPress Theme - https://t.co/SqzLTW1m4A A deep dive of the @frontity/mars-theme package, with a step-by-step walkthrough on how to customize it to make our own. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/Afl1Lm4l8I

(17:43:08) links

Breaking News: President Biden is expected to sign executive orders requiring most federal workers and government contractors to get the Covid vaccine - amerikāņi nav galīgi idioti.

Artis Schlossberg
(17:29:10) links

RT @HannaLiubakova: #Belarus These are reportedly Belarusian border patrol agents who used a service car to bring migrants to the border wi…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:14:54) links

RT @tshugart3: This seems like it's going to matter, at some point: https://t.co/qPeHjl4xLS

Artis Schlossberg
(17:03:46) links

RT @darioperkins: When a central bank is determined to prove it still has ammunition... https://t.co/cJPxLicBdl

Artis Schlossberg
(17:02:47) links

RT @danielgladis: He looks like a fan of the Austrian School.

Artis Schlossberg
(17:02:16) links

RT @lionel_trolling: all central bankers should carry an ak47 as a reminder to all of their insitutional independence

Artis Schlossberg
(16:58:54) links

RT @Armyfool1: New Afghanistan Central Bank Governor Taliban– “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Kalash…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:51:26) links

RT @BRyvkin: Australia, when will this end? I’m serious. It’s going from terrifying to the ridiculous down under.

Artis Schlossberg
(16:50:58) links

RT @Halsrethink: Agreed. 7 years ago Erico Tavares interviewed me for ZeroHedge on cashless society proposals. I responded motive might be…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:45:54) links

RT @konrad_muzyka: Today Russian and Belarusian Air and Air Defence forces began joint combat duty. Russia has contributed several (?) Su-3…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:42:16) links

RT @iljenkof: @Dzintarsh @AZvejsalnieks Tāpēc, ka tas nav par epidemiologisko drošību, bet gan iespēju pabojāt dzīvi "sliktajam zēnam" Gobz…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:41:43) links

RT @AZvejsalnieks: Abstrahējoties no politiskiem jautājumiem, deputāta izslēgšana un pierasīšana uzradīt sertifikātu no tiesiskā viedokļa i…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:23:15) links

RT @cepa: The Baltic Sea region is where the U.S. and its allies are in an existential struggle against determined adversaries — a destruct…

(16:11:50) links

Hey look who just gave us money!

Janis Krums (
(15:44:40) links

RT @pveugen: We just opened our @detailapp beta. Everyone can now download the Detail beta and try the app.

Artis Schlossberg
(15:39:48) links

RT @MichaelAArouet: If central banks monetize all new government debt, what’s the point of collecting taxes?

Artis Schlossberg
(14:50:40) links

RT @GicAriana: We cannot be surprised. German companies evaded sanctions and did business with Russia in RU-occupied Crimea, Ukraine. This…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:50:11) links

RT @Wald_berg: @elinaruka @ManaGramatika Varbūt problēma ir tajā, ka pie visiem lepni nodzīvotajiem akcijās, kampaņās, birojos un reklāmās…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:49:33) links

RT @Wald_berg: @LasmaPee @elinaruka @ManaGramatika Un? antivakseri aizdzina visu personālu trimdā uz ārzemēm? Antivakseri nozaga viņu algas…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:32:27) links

RT @trevorwbarnes: #ColdWar #counterespionage even involved creating complex family trees for #KGB agents. This magnificent one for top ill…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:30:41) links

Arī labas reputācijas žogs var būt diezgan ļodzīgs. https://t.co/5AEui7XXVT

Artis Schlossberg
(13:56:04) links

RT @MartinsKrusts: Žēl, ja kādu šie dati aizskars, bet investoriem ir jāizprot jaunā situācija:

Artis Schlossberg
(13:46:02) links

RT @politicaanis: @AldisGobzems @n_karklinz Bet vaitad karteļa biedrs no Merks Ozoliņš nav jūsu valdē ?

Artis Schlossberg
(13:42:40) links

RT @BasedPoland2:

Artis Schlossberg
(13:41:18) links

RT @politicaanis: Atceros, kā paristi un PRO aizstāvēja stabiņu mazgāšana konkursu: "nav nekādi 10 eur par mazgāšanas reizi " ...nu re , 3…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:32:57) links

RT @AnceAV: Šo nerādīs @ltvpanorama #TikTok https://t.co/3GPeHQJ1bm

Artis Schlossberg
(13:28:05) links

RT @Bordans: Paldies par ziņu! Saprotu, ka tiek pārpublicēta rus.lsm ziņa krieviski. Tā tiek dublēta latviski. Ceru, ka LR Latgale (!), kād…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:23:27) links

RT @PietiekPortals: Cik tas tomēr ir nožēlojami - Aivara Lemberga bijušā rokaspuiša Olafa Berķa “Latvijas Avīze” ceturtajā lappusē par vals…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:19:01) links

RT @ainarsbr11: Beidzot pareiza taktikas apguve. Konflikta laikā atrasties mežā, mūsdienās ir pašnāvība, sekojoši jāmācās tur, kur nedoDie…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:18:38) links

RT @PietiekPortals: Iepazīstieties - Latvijas “sabiedriskā medija” @lsmlv informācijas avots. Piebilde - Latvijas “sabiedriskais medijs” ba…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:17:41) links

RT @mazputns: @guntarsv Zviedrija varēs ierobežojumus pilnībā atcelt ne tāpēc ka veiksmīgi tos piemēroja, bet tāpēc ka to, salīdzinot ar mu…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:36:58) links

RT @mhmck: The press briefings given by the Joint Forces Operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have improved. Now they show a map of the…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:35:55) links

RT @dossierchernov: SVR smell in the room. Head of Puigdemont’s office, Josep Lluís Alay's Moscow journalist contact Chesnokov's boss in h…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:29:44) links

RT @dossierchernov: House journal describes how KGB carried out Central Committee of the Communist Party propaganda tasks dedicated to WWII…

Artis Schlossberg
(12:23:13) links

RT @kafkadesk:

Artis Schlossberg
(12:20:31) links

RT @ALanoszka: "The Latvian State Border Guard said in a statement on September 8 that its officers turned away 27 migrants from crossing t…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:36:16) links

RT @DarthPutinKGB: OTD in 1939 the USSR sent congratulations to Nazi Germany for the conquest of Warsaw. The sort of thing an ally would…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:27:53) links

RT @Lithuanian_MoD: At Cyber security Forum in

(11:13:22) links

I'm a New Liberal? https://t.co/MAHjiUiPPJ

Artis Schlossberg
(11:09:21) links

RT @Ukropo4kA: #Ukraine: Medvedchuk isn't bored under house arrest. He was visited by the Secretary of the French Senate Joel Gerriot & Sen…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:22:30) links

RT @guntarsv: Šis ir interesants izvilkums no pagātnes, kad nebija C19 un publiskais naratīvs nebija tik politizēts un safrizēts. Nekā ska…

(02:49:09) links

The Other Afghan Women https://t.co/AknTEl22XM

Artis Schlossberg
(02:17:13) links

RT @PaulNiland: With all due respect. Putin spreads deep regret on his toast in the morning. Consequences are the only thing that changes…

(02:04:07) links

Drinking a Shiner Oktoberfest by @ShinerBeer @ Untappd at Home — https://t.co/xIG3eYokJZ

(02:04:05) links

I just earned the 'Oktoberfest (Level 6)' badge on @untappd! https://t.co/C6mqdZck8f

(02:04:05) links

I just earned the 'Check-in the Dark' badge on @untappd! https://t.co/4vnd7G1P83 #checkinlife #darkmode #untappd

(02:04:04) links

I just earned the '99 Bottles (Level 6)' badge on @untappd! https://t.co/cYkJACiEkP

(01:10:02) links

How to integrate video in web design properly - https://t.co/VBhAbO9HWz Motion, movement, and animation are all sure to captivate a digital audience far more successfully than static features... #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/DQxaIGEyi2

(00:07:45) links

Ja grib ieskatu tajā, ko īsti domāju un kā savu nostāju attīstīju, tad ir šis, pirms vairāk nekā gada: https://t.co/4Dz3WSNbrS

(00:06:03) links

Developer Decisions For Building Flexible Components - https://t.co/fNMRRB6KLf Walk through the process of taking a seemingly simple design for a text-and-media component and deciding how best to translate it into code #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/nc7r0A

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