2021-09-02 77 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:37:17) links

RT @VairaLejn: @PiparsJanka @voldemars @Pabriks Ironija palīdz pašiedvesmai, bet kad, nu kad sāks fiziski nostiprināt Eiropas Savienības…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:32:57) links

RT @Red_Nec: SWISS ARMY 1972 TACTICS: Vintage Film "Infantry Combat" (w/ Subtitles) https://t.co/4nwVzr3nWl via @YouTube

Artis Schlossberg
(23:31:16) links

RT @klaasm67: “Members of the Swiss secret army travelling to the UK, to learn sabotage tactics.” Switzerland publishes redacted report on…

(23:03:03) links

What is Server-Driven UI? https://t.co/on1gPiDh0b Server-driven UI (SDUI) is an emerging technique used by companies like Airbnb and Lyft that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile apps. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/TmSBhcR71P

Artis Schlossberg
(22:23:37) links

RT @Dachinja: Paldies @pieturzimes par šo padomu, kas atrasts fb. Tādus varētu izvietot arī pilsētvidē.

Artis Schlossberg
(22:23:22) links

RT @GKCdaily: A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

(22:10:03) links

Customize the WordPress Admin Toolbar: Why and How to Do It - https://t.co/5DMvUlVws4 Making customizations to the #WordPress toolbar can streamline your workflow and improve how WordPress functions. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/V2EUN4Zm1y

Artis Schlossberg
(21:48:15) links

RT @apmassaro3: Fascinating article on the emerging alliance between multinational corporations and progressives – ancient foes aligning to…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:43:00) links

RT @DarthPutinKGB: The 7 stages of Western "concern" 1 We are concerned 2 We are very concerned 3 We are gravely concerned 4 There must b…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:40:44) links

RT @BensLatkovskis: Kopumā ukraiņu pašapziņa ir augstāka nekā latviešiem, kuri ir gatavi pāriet uz krievu vai angļu valodu, tiklīdz izdzird…

(21:06:03) links

The Ultimate Guide to Product Design Accessibility - https://t.co/gRPhNCtufI The essential message of an accessible design is to treat every user equally & give them the same opportunities regardless of their abilities #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/FR

Artis Schlossberg
(21:00:53) links

RT @20201984_2020: @liana_langa Ja savulaik Tautas partija spēja zagt no Bērnu slimnīcas, iztīrīt robežizbūves budžetu jau šķiet pašsaprota…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:00:39) links

RT @liana_langa: Klausos #panorama par korupciju robežas izbūvē ar Krieviju. Mēs esam nožēlojami, ja nespējam nezagt pat no robežas izbūve…

(20:03:05) links

Everything You Need to Know About Design Tokens - https://t.co/829ybDbXf3 Design tokens are a way to easily identify and understand the elements in a design system. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/nEBThrWg6c

Artis Schlossberg
(19:57:46) links

RT @steve_hanke: "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hand…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:57:29) links

RT @steve_hanke: "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but the newspapers." – Thomas Jefferso…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:56:44) links

RT @steve_hanke: "Truth and news are not the same thing." – Katharine Graham https://t.co/IlNXYMLYFP

Artis Schlossberg
(19:56:18) links

RT @steve_hanke: "The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but a swindling futurity on a larg…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:54:50) links

RT @NorthmanTrader: Congratulations. The combined balance sheets of 4 central banks now exceeds $30 trillion. https://t.co/qKlJCi1WYE

Artis Schlossberg
(19:52:48) links

RT @elisabethbraw: An Italian company that makes military drones, bought by a Hong Kong entity...but an investigation by Italian authoritie…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:48:18) links

RT @mhmck: If the US gave to Ukraine just a fraction of the weapons it let the Taliban have then Ukrainians would be able to defeat the Rus…

Pēteris Caune
(19:46:57) links

Ierīkoju laika releju terases laternai. Gribēju nofilmēt demo, kā 19:00 laterna pati iedegas, bet nokavēju mirkli, sajaucu laikus, karoč viss sanāca https://t.co/pMHUIkSgjY

Artis Schlossberg
(19:46:32) links

RT @mhmck: The Russian regime of state terrorism is mounting a “hybrid war” attack on Europe using irregular migrants. The Union State of R…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:45:28) links

RT @Wald_berg: Kāds var paskaidrot, kādēļ vakcinēti skolēni var skolā iet netestēti un bez maskām, bet vakcinēti vecāki skolā ienākt nedrīk…

Janis Krums (
(19:31:51) links

RT @muneeb: Coinbase Custody now supports Stacks, the only L1 chain where you can earn BTC yield from consensus.

Janis Krums (
(19:31:42) links

RT @veranocannabis: "With annual revenue potentially topping more than $1 billion in 2022 and earning a 40% adjusted EBITDA margin on top o…

(19:00:52) links

Can Elementor’s Site Kits Compete With Modern WordPress Themes? https://t.co/oXhTWGOZ6P Elementor recently unveiled its website kits feature, which promises site owners and designers several benefits over standard #WordPress themes. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper https://t.co/vfNoUbr1

Artis Schlossberg
(18:20:40) links

RT @RaivisZeltits: Atgādinājums, ka jaunākais no jaunajiem politiķiem Šlesers atļāva Rīgā glabāt 50 000 tonnu amonija nitrāta. Beirūtā sprā…

Artis Schlossberg
(18:19:53) links

RT @liana_langa: Ko nozīmē ārkārtējs stāvoklis. Polija izsludina https://t.co/fJd08dkTy0 https://t.co/6PMn9jCxNM

Artis Schlossberg
(17:12:19) links

RT @ZubyMusic: Look at Australia.

Artis Schlossberg
(17:06:13) links

RT @manssaprats: Zinot pieejamo informāciju un datus, tā ir smiešanās par zinātni, ka vakcinētos netestē, bet nevakcinētos testē. Turklāt v…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:05:56) links

RT @JJCarafano: We want our children educated not indoctrinated.

Artis Schlossberg
(17:02:23) links

RT @Marc41084659: Polijā pēc migrantu skaita pieauguma apstiprina ārkārtas stāvokli pie Baltkrievijas robežas.

Artis Schlossberg
(16:57:35) links

RT @QuintusCurtius: Amazing that this was built in 40 AD and is still in such good condition. Solid. Eternal. https://t.co/EY9tu79XMp

Artis Schlossberg
(16:54:20) links

RT @JB4LV: Prezidents apstiprina @DidzisSmits un citu deputātu teikto — parlamentā bija “pārtraukums”, respektīvi, parlamenta nebija. Nebi…

(16:53:21) links

Worth reading. https://t.co/uzJE4m9eKl

Artis Schlossberg
(15:41:05) links

RT @StZaryn: "Zetknęliśmy się z zupełnie wyjątkową sytuacją, tak postrzegają ją wspólnie władze Polski, Litwy i Łotwy - a w dodatku sztuczn…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:39:41) links

RT @komako66: varētu domāt, ka Baltkrievijas robeža ir Briselē...

Artis Schlossberg
(15:39:12) links

RT @LvKodoka: Rīt Kodokā publicēsim interviju ar vēl vienu Greitbaringtonas deklarācijas autoru — medicīnas profesoru Stenfordā, epidemiolo…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:16:07) links

RT @USEmbassyRiga: #OTD 30 years ago, the

(15:12:05) links

OK tvitertauta, dodos uz dažām dienām uz Stokholmu, nosacīti uzturēšu sakarus, satikšu dēlu, sīkos, varbūt kādu no LV aizbraukušu "liberastu".

Artis Schlossberg
(14:59:47) links

RT @_LFK_: Esam digitalizējuši un tiešsaistē publiskojuši akadēmiskā izdevuma “Latviešu tautasdziesmas” 1.–9. sējumu – daļu no lielākā taut…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:54:17) links

RT @sumlenny: Merkel-led government continues to undermine German and European security just a few weeks before elections. I wonder what de…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:53:10) links

RT @ipngovpl_eng: If Hitler’s attack on USSR was the beginning of #WW2, it means that the victims of this conflict are not those murdered d…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:50:28) links

RT @StZaryn: 1/3 Few days ago during a meeting with war veterans, Russian FM S. #Lavrov manipulated #history again when he said that “an at…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:50:06) links

RT @wisdom_trad: « It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong » - Voltaire https://t.co/zyJ2dtQ…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:49:37) links

RT @liana_langa: Viss zars https://t.co/xFbfnob0Pd

Artis Schlossberg
(14:49:28) links

RT @JB4LV: @JanisIesalnieks Vai nav "mazliet" ērmoti? Kam pieder vara Latvijā? Ne tikai nevar sanākt uz protestu, tagad pat nevar sanākt ie…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:47:56) links

RT @tikums: https://t.co/yw24HAhk8Y

Artis Schlossberg
(14:41:14) links

RT @StZaryn: 2/3 Fakty są takie: Stalin kolaborował z Hitlerem, wspólnie rozpoczęli #WWII, jest odpowiedzialny za masowe represje i śmierć…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:32:35) links

RT @JolantaRubene: Te vispār bez komentāriem https://t.co/1HT1T0nRkx

Artis Schlossberg
(14:28:20) links

RT @ZarinsI: īsumā par prezidenta piedāvāto: klauu, caur Saeimu īsti labi nesanāk, obligāto vakcināciju ir jāpanāk savādāk...

Artis Schlossberg
(14:23:18) links

RT @voldemars: Kamēr rietumu pasaule nesaņemsies un nepastāstīs paši sev un pasaulei, ka 2.p.k. savienība ar Staļinu bija rietumnieku nozie…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:18:02) links

RT @_A_Vit_: "Почему я записан не как украинец? У меня друг был, а его фамилия–Жовтобрюх, а его записали Жовтобрюхов. Чтобы скрыть, что у н…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:12:10) links

RT @n_karklinz: @liana_langa @tomsons neļauj izteikties konservatīvajam @AndisKudors , visu laiku pārtrauc ar jautājumiem. @vaivarei ne rei…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:12:08) links

RT @liana_langa: Zīle: Organizētā noziedzība ar migrantu plūsmām 2015.-16. g. nopelnīja vairāk kā ar tradicionālajiem paņēmieniem - ieroču,…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:06:56) links

RT @A_Melikishvili: Russia is toughening stand on Ukraine following Zelensky's visit to Washington. This will have very serious consequence…

(13:51:24) links

Wacko Latvian MP @AldisGobzems refuses to show Covid test, throws entire parliament into semi-virtual mode on first day of fall session.

(13:35:38) links

Meklējot ziņas par vienu lietu, atradu kolorītus savus @dblv virsrakstus: ASV piloti nositas, tērzējot par liellopa cepeti  Zviedri ar zirgu seksu reklamēs hipodroma azartspēles  Amerikā piedāvā mobilo telefonu suņiem Kārtejo reizi Zviedrijā nodedzina salmu āzi

(13:26:52) links

Jau tad par šādām lietām rakstīju: https://t.co/GiSZHonzDZ

(13:16:36) links

Pētu arhīvus, izrādas, man @dblv bija pravietisks raksts 2005.gadā: https://t.co/Ql02RtqOsJ

(10:56:01) links

Patvēruma meklētājiem ļaus sākt strādāt trīs mēnešus pēc pieteikuma iesniegšanas -@letanewslv Varēs pelnīt sevi iztiku. Kur nu halucinācijas (bez nekādiem datiem) par patv. meklētāju "putras katliem" nestrādājot?

Artis Schlossberg
(10:39:33) links

RT @The_New_City: Read "The Cult of Le Corbusier" at Quadrant Magazine http://t.co/ATKkjCtOav #architecture #planning #cities #urbanplannin

(09:32:05) links

RT @michaeldexter: Based on their collective behavior, I predict that the GOP will have a loud and proud, and possibly violent, last hurrah…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:11:26) links

RT @sportsmenis: Viss, kas jāzina par Latvijas cilvēktiesību centru - apgrozījums ceturtdaļmiljons eiro gadā, biedru nav, biedra naudu nav.

(08:49:10) links


(01:49:11) links

Drinking an Oktoberfest by @GooseIsland @ Untappd at Home — https://t.co/yuCod7IYkq

(01:49:08) links

I just earned the 'Verified Adventure (Level 10)' badge on @untappd! https://t.co/xG0ELHsw3x

(01:49:07) links

I just earned the 'For the Can (Level 8)' badge on @untappd! https://t.co/nexhwrZKgz

(01:10:01) links

When Logo Projects Stall - https://t.co/sPt51cwKCN As this has happened a number of times I thought I’d write a little post about it, so that other logo designers can at least see that it’s not that an unusual event. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment

Artis Schlossberg
(00:53:27) links

RT @brianflannery: Imagine explaining this headline to someone from pre-2008: https://t.co/iCjmkcIG5k

(00:51:38) links

Bullies proclaiming “national patriarchy” harass Russian feminists https://t.co/XCoBDSWskE from @TheEconomist https://t.co/XCoBDSWskE

(00:38:41) links

If you don't respect your calendar, noone will. Fought off four (more than usual) attempts at destroying one of our team's weekly no-meeting days, which this time is also the monthly learning day.

Artis Schlossberg
(00:35:34) links

RT @realNepareizais: Polijas valdības preses sekretārs @PiotrMuller paziņoja, ka Baltkrievijas teritorijā atrodas 10 000 migrantu, kas vēla…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:28:33) links

RT @mhmck: Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership >14,000 Ukrainians killed by Russia’s aggression the US will never r…

(00:19:41) links

The Afghan government was undone by its own corruption https://t.co/5s91Y4TCwo from @TheEconomist Why Kabul fell. https://t.co/5s91Y4TCwo

(00:06:03) links

An Interactive Guide to Keyframe Animations - https://t.co/uPtzmtenAP How they work, and see how to build some pretty swanky animations with them. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/PH9ma9ZVcc

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