2020-03-26 15 ziņas

(21:53:03) links

Embracing modern image formats - https://t.co/QeoQqkEIVB Tiny cross-browser images, in HTML and React #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/G0vzmAgn06

(21:14:03) links

@laurandz @skatsnokoka @GaumigsJoks @laukutrollis @MyronGainezzz @BardainaisSigne @ainissprogis @frakcija @Nodusgordius @ViktorsBirze @Eriks_the_Great @n_karklinz Nezinu, vai Latvijas/Eiropas tiesības eksistē tiesas pavēles (injunction) jēdziens, ko var izmantot darbību apturēt, iesaldēt, atturēt va

Janis Krums (
(20:57:41) links

RT @nvca: We're leading the charge to ensure the $350b loan facility in #COVID19 bill works for #VC-backed companies. Means getting the aff…

(19:55:03) links

Design Trend: 3D Geometry - https://t.co/yA5u5UATqW Three-dimensional shapes and geometry add depth and visual interest to the digital space. Maybe that’s why this is a trending website design technique. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/P6lNyPeiXB

(18:03:02) links

How to Animate Text with SVG and CSS - https://t.co/BbAgYx48cT A quick little tutorial on animating text with CSS by making the text an SVG. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/7gauLnCRUX

(16:30:33) links

Collaborating with Stakeholders to reduce design complexity - https://t.co/ji9p96uxRm As designers, we need to know how to deal with this issue. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/HOaYWIeFco

(15:21:43) links

How to Manage Your Freelance Finances During a Crisis - https://t.co/meuJC2cpEn It’s easy to panic in the midst of a crisis. But just like anything else with your business, a well-laid plan can help you smoothly navigate it. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #freelance https://t.co/zAN7lHuDDe

Artis Schlossberg
(14:38:03) links

RT @yaneerbaryam: Testing is not only a pre-requisite for treatment, but also the foundation for prevention. Prevention is as important as,…

(13:58:13) links

RT @PaulHannon29: This is not encouraging: A Group of Seven nations meeting ended without a joint statement because members wouldn’t agree…

(13:22:06) links

Worth reading, vērts izlasīt. @ProtestsYouth @progresivie @selmuushh par to kas notiek Eiropā un globāli: https://t.co/AFK2nf8qkk

(10:46:34) links

RT @IlvesToomas: R.I.P. Sir https://t.co/HQ3GifG4F1

(10:26:55) links

RT @irLV: Jaunajā IR — Jau mēnesi Neatliekamās palīdzības mediķi "Covid-19" epidēmijas dēļ strādā pastiprinātā režīmā. Kāda ir ikdiena cilv…

(10:26:02) links

@ainissprogis @frakcija @GaumigsJoks @Nodusgordius @MyronGainezzz @ViktorsBirze @Eriks_the_Great @n_karklinz @skatsnokoka Ir jāatlaiž aiņa troļļu vada kaprālis, kas devis instrukciju darboties pamatskolas pagalma līmenī.

(00:16:03) links

RT @JekabsRasnacs: Es personīgi zinu cilvēkus,kam ir uzradies sauss klepus un temperatūra,kuri nav riska grupā,tāpēc nevar vienkārši atļaut…

(00:15:06) links

RT @PascalLTH: Spanish Foreign Minster arguing in exceptional English for the eurozone to pool debts https://t.co/lg5xHC2gic

2024-04-29 0 ziņas

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