2020-03-19 26 ziņas

Signis Vāvere
(22:03:49) links

Seriālā redzu, ka divi džeki apkampjas. Nodomāju -“kādi idioti, tā taču vīrusu var saķert.” #covid19

Artis Schlossberg
(21:52:47) links

RT @n0_fail: LV ir viss kas nepieciešams - speciālisti, instrumenti, izejmateriāli, vajag tikai normālu valdību. 48h radīts plaušu ventilāc…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:25:14) links

RT @KremlinTrolls: Mind-blowing. In South Korea, #coronavirus patient number 31 decided not to employ social distancing. That ONE patient i…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:37:01) links

RT @IDF: Unit 81 is using its technological expertise to develop a breakthrough in the fight against #COVID19 together with @IsraelMOH & @M

Artis Schlossberg
(18:53:50) links

RT @ilmarmors: Beidzot konkrēti skaitļi - Latvijā slimnīcās ir 270 stacionārās plaušu mākslīgās ventilācijas iekārtas. "Portatīvās nav tik…

(17:45:18) links

Actors Mickey Rourke, Robert Knepper and Jackson Rathbone, shooting on location in Latvia, “trapped” in Riga by emergency and travel restrictions.

(17:14:19) links

But no solidarity from the f**king Polish government who broke promises and created this mess. Danke Schön Deutschland! https://t.co/fgITofKryG

(16:30:17) links

Persuasive strategies to build sustainable user engagement - https://t.co/5NlPS16C0j Don’t just copy persuasive design. It will backfire. Here’s how to successfully build persuasive design into your larger strategy. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/RYAb7pYFd

Artis Schlossberg
(15:59:43) links

RT @RestartProject: Open-source and low-cost ventilators https://t.co/V9odIqVp5P https://t.co/MlyicKUa37

(15:00:28) links

How to get your new WordPress site indexed - https://t.co/jdDBdgkXj9 Some tips that could help you get your site indexed faster. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #WordPress https://t.co/IErejeqOdT

(14:41:19) links

Nu, vismaz @rigasudens šķiet savu nejēdzīgo bedri rok, bedri aizber darbu ātri beidzis jo ūdens atkal pagaidām tek. Lidz nakamai reizei.

(13:38:30) links

How Should Designers Learn To Code? The Terminal And Text Editors (Part 1) - https://t.co/o0B76HST8l Take a look at getting comfortable with the command line and text editors. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/1b2rLmvEgM

(13:22:45) links

100 proventīgu būtu attaisnojami so balto bābu atvairīt ar 2x 9mm, vai ne? https://t.co/LhYB8lkmYM

(13:19:44) links

Ar interest gaidu, kā komentēs šo rasisti: https://t.co/TiZOCX8rr3

(13:06:10) links

RT @Reuters: Germany bans far-right group, raids leaders' homes https://t.co/N9I18B65YJ https://t.co/yiit7jGCn7

(12:23:48) links

FUCK YOU @rigasudens tiešām pandēmijas laikā atslēdz ūdeni simtiem Čaka ielas apkaimē, Ne jau idioti, kas “izplānoja” šos darbus nevarēs mazgāt rokas un saķers covid-19

(11:44:41) links

RT @jon_trickett: Now we know who are the essential workers: Cleaners Care workers Nurses Shelf stackers Delivery drivers Teachers Refuse…

(11:31:10) links

RT @astroehlein: #coronavirus - Disinformation and blame: how America's far right is capitalizing on coronavirus... “The pandemic, a situ…

(11:29:52) links

Šodien jau trešo vai ceturto reizi dažu nedēļu laikā @rigasudens terorizē Čaka ielas simtiem iedzīvotāju iracionāli rokot /aizpildot/rokot no jauna bedres un covid-19 laikā atslēdzot ūdeni.

(11:27:37) links

No one doubts the need to renovate the Riga water supply network by @rigasudens but this being done piecemeal, like doing an appendectomy, take out a bit, close up, operate again. Public health hazard @WHO

(11:24:35) links

Attention @WHO Riga. Latvia water authority @rigasudens creating a public health hazard with repeated, irrational water main repairs (3x in a month) shut off water to hundreds in city center when hand-washing, cooking at home is important.

(10:57:22) links

RT @IlvesToomas: Meanwhile in the UK: https://t.co/PQw1KEdjRp

Artis Schlossberg
(09:11:41) links

RT @cdipaola62: Just got a call from @MargitKaufman. Brainstormed. Came up with new N95 replacement mask idea from readily available anest…

(01:18:34) links

Vai pasaules biosfērā vispār vajadzīgi vīrusi? Vai zinātne tos nevarētu (vismaz slimību izraisītājus) iznīcināt ka dzīvības (?) formu uz planētas, teksim līdz 2030.gadam @udumpis

(01:12:29) links

Just asking’: Do viruses serve any benign or maybe even vital purpose in the biosphere, or could we concentrate science on, say, eliminating viruses as a life form (or whatever they are) by, say, 2030?

Artis Schlossberg
(01:03:59) links

RT @CNBC: Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman says there is not enough being done to combat the coronavirus, calling for a 30-day global shutdown…

2024-04-29 0 ziņas

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