2020-09-24 21 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:21:40) links

RT @u_osis: @liana_langa Nediskutē arī par Eiropas Parlamenta 13.01.1983. rezolūciju par Baltijas valstu deokupāciju. https://t.co/WPO4hIkB…

(23:03:02) links

Emotional Landing Pages: We Must Feel to Buy - https://t.co/GLuFy7u6ur Find the exact words to use on your competitor’s website. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #UX https://t.co/0KZilzMfVW

Artis Schlossberg
(22:55:14) links

RT @carlbildt: Agreement signed yesterday between

(22:10:01) links

Finding The Root Cause of a CSS Bug - https://t.co/bv2olsek1U Go through the process of fixing a bug from the root and explore some common CSS issues and how fixing them from the outside can result in more issues. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #CSS https://t.co/DoHDS6

Signis Vāvere
(21:54:39) links

Zaļi domājošie, kāpēc bērnu radīšana ir viena no sliktākām lietām, ko mēs nākotnes dabai varam nodarīt? #kāirbūt #piecipodkāsts

(21:06:02) links

It's been a few years since we posted anything on our YouTube channel, but we have a new video for you now! Video Tutorial: How To Create A Responsive Image Slider - https://t.co/5Hc01zXpmD #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/5cV0rY43he

(20:03:02) links

Google Calendar tips and extensions for designers - https://t.co/mEuOHrgR4f Whether you are a designer, illustrator, or web developer, you should take into consideration these nine top tips and extensions #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/BJaieCmcUF

(19:00:06) links

The Empty Box - https://t.co/6tZL5PmkNt You can take any space, any black (or in tech spaces, "empty") box, and make it come to life with a story. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/lYZZsSxQPL

(18:14:01) links

RT @newsycombinator: Tabloid: The Clickbait Headline Programming Language https://t.co/qhSGaD75Eq

(17:46:54) links

20 Top WordPress Themes In 2020 - https://t.co/4Bfdp7pcY9 In this article we have compiled a list of 20 of the top WordPress themes at Envato Elements, all for one low monthly subscription price. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #WordPress https://t.co/wuUifmE22B

Artis Schlossberg
(17:25:30) links

RT @liana_langa: Atis Lejiņš: "Varam tiešā veidā novērot, kā šī rusifikācija ir iespaidojusi latviešus – re, atrodas politiķi, kas tiešām p…

(16:56:35) links

Feels satisfying to throw out a whole book series out of the reading list due to barely finishing the first one. 4+ avg rating on Goodreads my ass.

Artis Schlossberg
(12:34:51) links

RT @liana_langa: Dagmāras Beitneres Le-Gallas secinājumi, PSRS kolonisma īstenotās sekas LV ir jāņem vērā ikkatrā diskusijā par migrācijas…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:30:39) links

RT @franakviacorka: Today, Lukashenko swore not to the Belarusian people, but to the military and police. He called the protesters ”rubbish…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:47:27) links

RT @liana_langa: Dagmāra Beitnere Le-Galla vērš uzmanību uz aspektu, par kuru Latvijā patvēruma meklētāju jautājuma kontekstā nediskutē: ht…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:44:32) links

RT @ThreeSeas24: The USSR kept interconnectedness from developing between its satellite states in CEE for almost 50 years. During the 1990s…

(09:36:00) links

Ko ES darīs bēgļu, migrācijas lietās https://t.co/KuY4RRrN6M

Artis Schlossberg
(09:28:53) links

RT @MLuste: Čekists Savickis Covid-19 apstākļos mēģinās izmangot @SPKCentrs atļauju Dinamo komandai spēlēt līgā, kuru cits čekists - Putins…

(02:44:34) links

In this video Jack Herrington will teach you how to create a responsive image slider with HTML, CSS, SVG & Vanilla JavaScript in 15 minutes. Video Tutorial: How To Create A Responsive Image Slider - https://t.co/5Hc01zXpmD #webdesign #webdesigner #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/aq1KdP

(00:46:40) links

RT @ABezmiegs: Meklēju jebkādu darbu attālināti. Kādēļ? Būšu godīgs - ļoti nepieciešami līdzekļi ciešamai dzīvei. Protu rakstīt un rediģēt…

(00:06:03) links

When Does Emotional Design Cross a Line? https://t.co/Hb6j7cGTQY What is emotional design? When does emotional design cross a line? What’s the right way to design for emotions? #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/OOeGgFPS6K

2024-04-28 0 ziņas

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