2020-09-09 25 ziņas

(23:03:02) links

Jumping Through Hoops for Prospective Web Design Clients - https://t.co/1ebV5mJlTM Once in a while you’ll run into a prospective client who’ll test your limits by asking all sorts of philosophical questions and assorted odd requests. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper https://t.co/hQohxPq

Artis Schlossberg
(22:39:39) links

RT @GicAriana: Totally agree w/ @sumlenny. Have argued same for Ukraine. It would be MUCH more difficult for Russians to pose as locals in…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:15:07) links

RT @christogrozev: As sceptical as I was initially that GRU could be involved in a poisoning on Russian territory, the fact @navalny was po…

(22:10:03) links

7 questions to ask when hiring a remote website developer - https://t.co/Sp6i8Wi22l Here is the guide on how to find a qualified one by simply asking the right questions. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/YsvoRqh2oo

Artis Schlossberg
(21:53:53) links

RT @liana_langa: Paraugs, kā jauni letiņi absorbē un izplata Kremļa naratīvu par "rusofobiju" LV : https://t.co/iwhttr6Jnm

(21:06:02) links

Looping Measures of Effectiveness Back to the Creative Team - https://t.co/jhmUxZjSbG Looping a marketing asset’s performance metrics back to the design team is a pivotal part of the overall creative workflow. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/MpmsPL1XBa

(20:24:50) links

Interesting: Breaking News: President Trump admitted to the journalist Bob Woodward that he had knowingly played down the coronavirus even though he was aware it was "deadly. -NYT

(20:03:05) links

The Power of Structure – A Guide to Design System Models - https://t.co/07U57qj3CE Design systems help organizations maintain experiential consistency across manifold products, services, and businesses. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/0EJWB9XtMk

(19:00:09) links

How CSS Perspective Works - https://t.co/AFMfePMjjo An explanation of the concept of perspective, starting with the very basics, as we work up to a fully animated 3D cube. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/h1rMcleYeW

Artis Schlossberg
(18:17:55) links

RT @edgarsrinkevics: Bogus “suspicions” and arrests of Belarusian politicians Maria #Kalesnikava and Maxim Znak on “calls to seize power” a…

(18:03:37) links

30+ Useful Pure CSS Code Snippets - https://t.co/8tNFvKWPao We’ve rounded up a collection of useful pure CSS code snippets for elements that are commonly used when designing and developing a website. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/LUggyaWgTX

Artis Schlossberg
(15:50:20) links

RT @Eire_QC: #Lithuania: Norwegian Delegation including the Prime Minister and the Minister of defense visited Lithuania. Ministers of Defe…

(15:27:38) links

RT @Tom_Ruen: 2020 QG is an Earth-crossing asteroid, 3-6 meters in diameter. It passed 2,950 km above the surface of Earth on 16 Aug 2020 a…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:13:22) links

RT @voldemars: Kad ejam gar krievu obelisku Pārdaugavā, bērni jautā, kas tas ir. Skaidroju, ka "1939 LV bija viena no attīstītākajām pasaul…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:40:25) links

RT @LeonidsKalnins: Labāk savām acīm redzēt un runāt klātienē, nekā sarakstīties ar ziņojumiem. Sabiedroto spēku augstākās virspavēlniecība…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:37:50) links

Partijas Latvijā līdz šim varēja iedalīt šādās kategorijās: 1. klaji rusofobi 2. pretvalstiskie 3. nabadzīgo iedzīvotāju naidnieki Cita veida partiju Latvijā nav bijis, bet nebēdā vēlētāj—tagad ir @progresivie uznāciens—Latvija ir jaunas ēras priekšā! https://t.co/zfgB800e3m

Artis Schlossberg
(13:30:21) links

@JanisIesalnieks @kSukevics Nevajadzētu aizmirst arī Krieviju. Ja pašreizējās demogrāfijas tendences saglabāsies, ap 30% no Krievijas iedzīvotājiem praktizēs Islāmu tuvāko 15 gadu laikā.https://t.co/bLYvQBFvTG

(12:56:27) links

RT @PilsCilvekiem: No centra līdz Ķengaragam bez sastrēgumiem un luksoforiem! Krasta ielā ir pabeigta jaunā veloceļa būvniecība. Pēc mūsu…

(11:48:30) links

Proud boys at work @MyronGainezzz @sarnovskis https://t.co/oE5cYvtjWx

(11:19:55) links

The whole thread is gold for doctoral students and postdocs, but this piece is

(09:23:54) links

RT @ByMikeBaker: The Proud Boys are relishing the attack on the one person in Salem yesterday. This video is also a better angle than what…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:22:29) links

RT @ervinsk: Šis stāsts - https://t.co/bsvrdOf4Hw - tviterī neizraisīja nekādu saviļņojumu, lai gan runa vairs nav par padomju pensionāriem…

(01:10:03) links

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2020 - https://t.co/CfiqcoPSdo This month’s design trends provide a few different ways to refresh projects without ripping up your entire website. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/GJXB8C8tl0

(00:15:28) links

Is America a Myth? https://t.co/AyMKLzCbB9

(00:06:02) links

10 Best UI/UX Practices To Adopt While Building A Website For Your Brand - https://t.co/QcpGf5CeXz UI/UX is one of those things you might not pay heed to when it’s done well. It’s when a UX is badly developed that you begin to notice. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper https://t.co/IlfG02

2024-04-28 0 ziņas

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