2019-05-28 7 ziņas

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(20:59:12) links

RT @lnt_lv: Apstrīd Latvijas Universitātes rektora vēlēšanas https://t.co/ZmFEik4qiU

(17:47:54) links

An Interview with One of the Best Selling WordPress Theme Authors: https://t.co/WkDl4bvUxY https://t.co/i8Z3uIufjZ

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(16:07:58) links

RT @SlavaVK: Un šeit ir LU administrācijas viedoklis, ko plānots skaidrot trešdien pl 16 preses konferencē: https://t.co/QSAX8gZyUY

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(14:04:43) links

RT @anneapplebaum: this is very good, on the origins of Germany's weird relationship with Russia: "Russia acts in German consciousness as…

(13:52:43) links

A somewhat rambling but interesting take on where the alt-right stands on abortion (pro-choice if it reduces demogr… https://t.co/C1KcdPK167

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(11:39:13) links

RT @agnerts: Didzis Bērziņš skarbi par LU rektora vēlēšanām un universitātes netīrajām intrigām. https://t.co/LssjZGSYlB

(01:32:40) links

Vērts izlasīt. The Economist | Supremely wrong via @TheEconomist https://t.co/VLUAH73647

2024-04-28 0 ziņas

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