2019-11-22 18 ziņas

(23:05:13) links

RT @joshtpm: So in case you missed it the President and almost his entire party have embraced a conspiracy theory that is the product of a…

(22:57:37) links

RT @IlvesToomas: oh. https://t.co/2gjudlaEpr

(22:57:05) links

RT @erikfinman: Elon Musk has developed a metal ball that can break bulletproof glass. https://t.co/lwPb8mysTs

(22:54:22) links

RT @AmbJohnBolton: Re: speaking up -- since resigning as National Security Advisor, the @WhiteHouse refused to return access to my personal…

(21:59:59) links

Cik ir reāli bijuši Javelin kills pret krievu tankiem Ukrainā? https://t.co/sJZ8HGt0mb

(21:56:45) links

RT @selmuushh: Homofobiski naida noziegumi nenotiek vienkārši tāpat. Normalizējot homofobiju, kas izpaužas arī kā naida runa, mēs esam līdz…

(21:28:10) links

RT @selmuushh: Serbijā pirms 2 nedēļām piekāva vienu vīrieti, jo viņš nesa rozā somu un huligāni domāja, ka viņš ir gejs. Viņu beidza sist…

(21:25:54) links

RT @selmuushh: LV ir vienīgā no Baltijas valstīm, kur dzimuma maiņai dokumentos nepieciešama sterilizācija. Par intersex LV vispār nav stat…

(21:00:28) links

Tūliņ @RIGATV24 būsu progammā Globuss par impičmenta procesu pret Trampu.

(19:31:02) links

Musk fail reminds of 70s NYC taxi story with new bulletproof glass between driver and passenger seat. TV reporter asked to take a swing with a sledge hammer bashes in windshield to taxi diver’s horror.

(17:24:31) links

RT @TobiasNyholm: Here are my slides from my "Building really fast apps". Thank you @symfonycon for hosting me and thank you everybody that…

Raimonds Simanovskis
(16:55:42) links

Kurš ir izdomājis, ka tas ir baigi foršais mārketings zvanīt uz nejaušiem numuriem un piedāvāt savus pakalpojumus? Agrāk tā tikai telekomu operatori darīja, tagad saņemu zvanus arī no Enefit un kaut kādas kredītņēmēju palīdzības. Telefonisks "spams" kaitina vairāk nekā e-pastā.

(15:51:39) links

This is what the Doctrine Q&A session looks like

(12:35:20) links

RT @danieltilles1: Any time any Polish minister tells international audiences that reform was necessary to "decommunise" the judiciary, eve…

(12:34:48) links

RT @greg0ire: love that saying! #symfonycon https://t.co/a1sME585LX

(11:35:02) links

RT @BCernusa: From Brussels, we stand in solidarity with activists taking to the streets in #Slovakia against new attempt to roll back on r…

(11:12:47) links

RT @alcaeus: Hey #SymfonyCon attendees, we'll have a Q&A session with the @doctrineproject team at 14:45 in the Unconference track. Please…

(01:29:19) links

RT @reddit: Check on your friends, even the busy/cheerful/successful ones. https://t.co/XORMU7yYL8 https://t.co/ee4yhvWeHY

2024-04-28 0 ziņas

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