2018-08-22 14 ziņas

(23:05:51) links

LA airport, waiting for flight, gaidam reisu.

(21:30:25) links

RT @astroehlein: “50 years after tanks rolled into Prague, and almost 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, authoritarianism is back at…

(21:27:28) links

RT @DidzisUN: Diemžēl atkal no amatpersonu puses publiski izskan termins "nelegālie migranti". Ja to lietojam, tad tā būtu jāsauc arī latvi…

Peter Krumins
(19:36:15) links

Just made an H-fractal generator. Try here: https://t.co/fRjOMgUuX4 https://t.co/5SI4S4Xwty

(19:29:47) links

Drīzumā pameta Losandželosu. Leaving LA, heading back to Europe.

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(18:47:12) links

RT @datagovlv: AS "Latvijas valsts meži" datus atvēruši, lai mazinātu pieprasīijumu slogu darbiniekiem - atverot un publicējot datus, resur…

(17:45:31) links

RT @astroehlein: "We must stand up and resist what Václav Havel called 'the aggression of the darkest moments of our past against an honora…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(15:53:00) links

RT @andrewheiss: Excited to use this "Individual-1" business as an example of how to not anonymize qualitative data in a future methods cla…

Janis Krums (
(14:25:30) links

RT @DannyZuker: So let me get this straight: Obama shouldn’t get to appoint a justice to SCOTUS because he only has A YEAR LEFT IN HIS TERM…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(11:49:32) links

RT @janiszvers: Kārtējie pigori Rīgas Domē. 41 miljona tāme - slepena! 30 gadus rīdzinieki maksās kredītu, cerībā, kā ar tāme sastādīta god…

(07:00:14) links

The Importance of Your Reputation as a Freelance Creative https://t.co/tHv3lf7D9X https://t.co/RX1XxtQIOc

(05:44:39) links

More sunset @ Los Angeles, California https://t.co/PEdeu2K5C9

(05:40:12) links

LA sunset @ Los Angeles, California https://t.co/L7CKFRkP8J

Peter Krumins
(00:08:11) links

Just deployed Cesaro fractal generator. Try here: https://t.co/C6OHKOHQFw https://t.co/ZJ2kTx9aXa

2024-04-29 0 ziņas

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