2020-11-05 44 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:54:45) links

RT @tedcruz: This is messed up. Ballot observers are required, by law, to be able to WATCH the counting. Dem mayors are defying the law…

(23:37:20) links

RT @dosnostalgic: Лохотронщик: Crazy Loto (Windows 9x, 2002) #NotDOS #RussianVideogames A humorous collection of 53 mini games with claymat…

(23:03:02) links

9 essential elements of a modern website design - https://t.co/XZzDTI0ZID Every business needs a web design that reflects who they are and provides value. Discover the 9 essential elements of a great website. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/IpXK1KW5D3

Raitis Grandovskis
(23:00:29) links

Fakts tiem, kuri pārāk bieži usa pirmsvēlēšanu laikā dzirdējuši par trağisko covid situāciju Trampa pārvaldītajā valstī. Man arī pārsteigums, it sevišķi, ja salīdzina ar to, kas šobrīd notiek EU. https://t.co/FA7PTGLCWa

Artis Schlossberg
(22:29:33) links

RT @Eglajs: Esmu tik vecs, ka atceros laikus, kad līberāļi bija par vārda brīvību. https://t.co/FEFGRo3qfe

(22:10:02) links

Ecommerce Website Essentials: Does Your Site Have All 11? https://t.co/HWwWBPtCBd If you’re looking to get in on the ecommerce action, you need to make sure your website has the ecommerce essentials it needs to succeed. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/TDP8PbH2B1

(21:06:03) links

150+ Amazing Examples of CSS Animation & Effects - https://t.co/EbZ34Iqoyx Have a look and use these examples to help you learn the nitty-gritty details so you can create more beautiful and engaging web sites. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/lYLiG0sj8S

Signis Vāvere
(20:48:25) links

@Bonkajs @_skabarga Plovam ir vairākas receptes?

Artis Schlossberg
(20:46:21) links

RT @EricRWeinstein: This was entirely foreseeable. https://t.co/fd3o64UowD

Artis Schlossberg
(20:41:15) links

RT @sullydish: Votecast also shows Trump handily winning Native Americans, Native Alsakans, and Native Hawaiians. They didn't get the criti…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:38:26) links

RT @IIArchonII: @EricRWeinstein @amitkgupta84 @Crowdpac Malice and Moldbug call this the Cathedral https://t.co/8tC8eAqqva

Artis Schlossberg
(20:35:50) links

RT @EricRWeinstein: Vice Signaling: nobody sane wants to listen to politicians, professors, movie stars, rappers, tech billionaires & journ…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:33:40) links

RT @page_eco: This is the best thing coming out from these elections so far. https://t.co/ZvAyL2uKqA

Artis Schlossberg
(20:31:59) links

RT @EricRWeinstein: The main take away from the 2020 election: we simply don’t have an expert class anymore. We have gaslighting by activi…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:15:36) links

RT @realannapaulina: For those who don’t believe in voter fraud

Artis Schlossberg
(20:03:04) links

RT @akoz33: h this thread I will consider the question: who is likely to be the first of those badly dissapointed with Biden? I am, of cour…

(20:03:02) links

How to Make Design Approval Painless - https://t.co/DOUt6NcH9A Design is subjective, and everybody has an opinion. Getting design approval can, therefore, be a painful experience. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/DN5a1dXero

Artis Schlossberg
(19:38:08) links

RT @RaivisZeltits: https://t.co/sG2S78XRBl

(19:00:59) links

How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI - https://t.co/McTO89Wsuv How you can animate the native <details> element using the Web Animations API. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/2B2l1cm9Fd

Artis Schlossberg
(18:24:09) links

RT @Neatkariga: Vai nacionāli iekrāsotais praķītis jau samuļļāts? - https://t.co/Z9D2nf9J0E via @Neatkariga

Raitis Grandovskis
(17:17:20) links

@atihomirovs @attistibai Dzīvojis realitātē, tāpēc attālinājies. Kinda make sense

Artis Schlossberg
(16:33:22) links

RT @varabungas: Business 2020 11 04 George Friedman on USA relation with Poland under ne... https://t.co/3RXTmTA7D9 via @YouTube

Artis Schlossberg
(16:00:17) links

RT @CFJohnston17: This is actually ridiculous, Veep becoming the new Simpsons of electoral predictions #Nevada https://t.co/FxLuavdSdn

Artis Schlossberg
(15:47:28) links

RT @voldemars: Visiem zināmais uzvārds netiek nosaukts. Cilvēki neuzdrošinās pat izstājoties. https://t.co/v1t41whD0F

Artis Schlossberg
(15:46:09) links

RT @MartasTante: Nu gan versija: starptautiskais terorisms esot dzimis, izplānots un finansēts no Maskavas KGB. # To apgalvo pārbēdzis augs…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:37:12) links

RT @liana_langa: Kas bija saprotams valstvīram Kārlim Skalbem 1921. g., bet nav saprotams Reiram 2020. g. https://t.co/7jpgA4ZV8o

Artis Schlossberg
(15:04:18) links

RT @tikums: Interesanti, tā ir daļa no kādas kampaņas? Visi šie Twitter konti ir "iesaldēti": @VL_TBLNNK @GirtsLapins @JanisIesalnieks

Artis Schlossberg
(14:55:14) links

Jaunas ziņas: Pirmāk kontiem ierobežoja pieeju. Tagad tie, izņemot pēdējo, aizvērti pavisam. Kā izriet no pavediena, balstoties uz sūdzībām @TwitterSupport. Bīstams vienpusējas politiskās cenzūras precedents. Koalīcijas partijas kontus aizver, bet tādus kā @StradniekiLv atstāj. https://t.co/gQClSjaA

(14:17:18) links

@ainissprogis @frakcija @ints_goze Traucē, ja šāda nostāja bloķē Dzīvesbiedru likumu un virza Latviju uz tiesāšanos ar Eiropas cilvēktiesību tiesu, ka piespiedīs vismaz praksē atzīt citās ES valstīs noslēgtas laulības/dzīves biedru attiecības.

(13:59:51) links

RT @hapibus: This is Joe

(12:42:22) links

@ainissprogis @ints_goze Un jā, rasisms un naids pret LGBT (kas pierādami 1)nav izvēle 2) nevienam nekaitē, ja nelieto spēku (kā hetero izvarošanās u.tml.) ir TUMSONĪBA.

(12:40:35) links

@ainissprogis @ints_goze Es tagad pateikšu vārdu, kas vienmēr apklusina (arī bez par idiotismu pelnītu "mute") oponentus kā Aini- PIERĀDĪJUMUS?

Artis Schlossberg
(12:13:09) links

RT @kSukevics: Nu kas ir šis par bezsakaru? Šādi izteikumi pilnībā degradē uzticību valdībai, jo tā sajūta, ka "elite" dzīvo savā citā para…

(11:43:35) links

How do you say batshit in Russian? https://t.co/oZKOP0Tqar

(11:40:16) links

@ainissprogis @ints_goze @Artillerry Automātiska politiska tumsoņa birka jebkuram, kas neredz starpību starp skandināvu-rietumeiropas socialdemokrātiju, Vacijas sozialermarktwirtschaft un komunismu. Ainis ir trollis kam nav nekas jauns sakāms, maļ tikai idiotmurgus.

Artis Schlossberg
(11:35:07) links

RT @VeikoSpolitis: @kSukevics @galamm11 @IvsLu @kSukevics atgādinājums par KGB=FSB darba metodēm. P.S. itin bieži ne tikai kontinenta Rietu…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:31:29) links

RT @LithuaniaMFA: There‘s more to safety shortcomings: geopolitical nature of the project that serves as a tool for Moscow to tighten its g…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:29:42) links

RT @motytchak: I am more than relieved, that this idea has finally started to "trickle down" to the minds of the westerners. James summed…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:05:34) links

RT @Justinredalen: @awstar11 If Hamilton, Madison, and etc. saw this they probably would have said "This is why we have the electoral colle…

(09:05:24) links

Viktors pēkšņi (?) tvīto ka kreisais

(08:59:19) links

RT @anneapplebaum: if you can accept that "defund the police" is a slogan that scared people, you should also be able to accept that "LIBER…

(08:58:40) links

RT @astroehlein: If you're chanting "stop the count" when an election tally isn't going your way, you're protesting against democracy. #C

(01:10:03) links

30+ Fresh New UI Kits – Free and Premium - https://t.co/beexhDmnGs 30+ of the best free & premium UI kits to choose from, so you don’t have to spend your valuable time searching through the thousands that are available #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/FH

(00:06:02) links

At What Point Does Obsessing Over Design Become a Liability? https://t.co/oHOqjhYoAT Design focus can indeed be done to death – or at least to the detriment of a project. Let’s outline a few situations where the process can get in the way. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdeveloper https://t.co/EmniI07ps

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