2018-06-03 11 ziņas

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(23:30:56) links

RT @saschel: Hi #elag2018 tweeps. Hope you all have a brilliant time! Might I ask to please say hi to @rasvaan, #rijksmuseum datamanager &…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(22:04:01) links

Nice views of Prague from the roof level

(21:05:37) links

Es negribu Eiropu, kur galvenie tiesību un brīvības kritēriji būs tautība, rase, “pareizā” ticība vai orientācija -… https://t.co/Y1ZoGERzRS

(20:57:28) links

Neo-fasišms/nacisms nepazudīs. ja to izdzīs no sociāliem tīkliem, to jāpadara skaidri redzāmu, lai šis rēgs, kas at… https://t.co/08qqx6LGD4

(20:54:21) links

Es personīgi uzskatu, ka @GaumigsJoks @Apvaarsnis ir tiesibās paust (ne)slēptu rasismu, naidu pret LGBT un visu neo… https://t.co/2KcOH6vtTZ

(20:49:42) links

“Meta-naratīvs” ko dzen @GaumigsJoks @Apvaarsnis u.c. ir par autoritāru Eiropu ar hierarhiju uz tautības pamata (pā… https://t.co/Wd5cxLoV2I

(17:58:26) links

Yo, Latvian alt-right twitter mofos, wasn’t he your guy?? https://t.co/Nnffr8FNG7

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(17:50:42) links

at #RIX airport on my way to the #elag2018 conference in Prague https://t.co/hf5XwiVVZI

Janis Krums (
(16:49:58) links

RT @BeschlossDC: “Well, when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.” —Richard Nixon to David Frost, 1977 https://t.co/DA…

Peter Krumins
(13:40:24) links

There are 0 types of people, those who understand unary, and

(12:46:45) links

RT @mikskoljers: If you happen to be from either of the two companies that owe me a grand for services rendered, spare me further bullshit…

2024-04-30 0 ziņas

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