Agreed. Full stop 3 atbildes

Veiko Spolitis
(2023-05-16 08:14:42)
Agreed. Full stop
Veiko Spolitis
(2023-05-16 08:20:06)
At the last panel of #LennartMeriConference someone: “in Bucharest 2008
Veiko Spolitis
(2023-05-16 13:11:58)
It was a pleasure to listen to @fromTGA at the #LennartMeriConference. Since 24.02.2022 the post Berlin Wall European order is over & without @Ukraine security embedded in the Euro-Aylantic security architecture there wont be Europe whole and free!
Veiko Spolitis
(2023-05-16 13:20:57)
It was a pleasure to listen to @fromTGA at the #LennartMeriConference. Since 24.02.2022 the post Berlin Wall European order is over & without @Ukraine security embedded in the Euro-Atlantic security architecture there wont be Europe whole and free!

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