Likewise, preventing bugs from happening as opposed to fixing them will not get you any recognition. And even worse, spending time on creating solid architecture and writing better code will unlikely play to your advantage. 4 atbildes

Kirill Korolyov
(2022-12-12 02:57:22)
Likewise, preventing bugs from happening as opposed to fixing them will not get you any recognition. And even worse, spending time on creating solid architecture and writing better code will unlikely play to your advantage.
Kirill Korolyov
(2022-12-12 03:00:20)
That being said, I always do what I think is best in the long run, and pair my efforts with an explanation of why it matters.
Kirill Korolyov
(2022-12-12 03:04:18)
In a somewhat controversial manner, I don’t like to test many of my hypotheses, instead I rely on past mistakes and experience. In fact, I really don’t like environments where every decision needs to go through an extensive process of measurements and proofs.
Kirill Korolyov
(2022-12-12 03:15:52)
I’ve worked in such environments, and it seems that age is the determining factor here. Younger developers have nothing to rely on, yet opinionated advice from their more experienced peers is met with “let’s gather data and present it to a committee for an informed decision”.
Kirill Korolyov
(2022-12-12 03:21:10)
Experience is underrated.

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