Vēlreiz par TV Dožģ https://t.co/LiDJhL66DY 4 atbildes

Prof. Sandra Veinberg
(2022-12-04 10:13:33)
Vēlreiz par TV Dožģ https://t.co/LiDJhL66DY
Oless Hristenko
(2022-12-04 11:30:35)
@sandraveinberga Manuprāt, Jūs esat palaidusi garām moskovijas kanālā īpašnieces uzskatus, kas skaidri parāda, ka nosalušie slepkavas ir tikpat šausmīgi kā to pastrādātie noziegumi. attopieties!!! #ArmUkraineNow https://t.co/48Gvp0jtzR
Prof. Sandra Veinberg
(2022-12-04 11:36:01)
@Olevs I haven't missed it. My topic is media and I understand everything very well. #SlavaUkrainii
Oless Hristenko
(2022-12-04 12:58:14)
@sandraveinberga Sure you are, peacetime media expert, but I can’t agree how should LV media supervisor should react. It is more than clear @tvrain exploits democracy with their arrogance and imperialistic moscovia propaganda for example Crimea as ruSSia what Dzjadko openly support’s.
Prof. Sandra Veinberg
(2022-12-04 18:55:44)
@Olevs @tvrain Let's hope they don't keep it up. The official apologised for his mistakes

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