Context time! Global confirmed COVID-19 cases as of right now: 90,309 The good news - 45,602 of those people have already recovered! So. Global EXISTING confirmed cases of coronavirus right now: 44,707 2 atbildes

Signe Dean
(2020-03-03 01:58:51)
Context time! Global confirmed COVID-19 cases as of right now: 90,309 The good news - 45,602 of those people have already recovered! So. Global EXISTING confirmed cases of coronavirus right now: 44,707
Signe Dean
(2020-03-03 02:01:27)
Can a person get it a second time? That's currently not known. There have been a handful of cases of apparent 'reinfection', but it might be due to testing errors, and the risk of reinfection is not a high priority at this stage.
Signe Dean
(2020-03-03 02:03:50)
P.S. Wash your hands.

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