@PaulGoble1 @V_Solovey @InvestTatarstan @MongolDiplomacy Dear @mfa_russia! You do not have to make yourselves into a laughingstock in front of the civilized world! Remember your own colonial sins, and end your illegal colonialism in 22 atbildes

Veiko Spolitis
(2019-09-06 19:35:19)
@PaulGoble1 @V_Solovey @InvestTatarstan @MongolDiplomacy Dear @mfa_russia! You do not have to make yourselves into a laughingstock in front of the civilized world! Remember your own colonial sins, and end your illegal colonialism in
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-09-09 09:58:31)
@PaulGoble1 @V_Solovey @InvestTatarstan @MongolDiplomacy @mfa_russia @PACE_News @Diplomat_APAC @AlexKokcharov @MarcelHVanHerpe @pmakela1 @TetySt @Ukropo4kA @kolga @RedWhiteRedLV @lostson_ @KresySiberia @AndisKudors Good @AnIllarionov reminder from #Krynica about reading what dictator says. In March
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-09-09 10:08:17)
@PaulGoble1 @V_Solovey @InvestTatarstan @MongolDiplomacy @mfa_russia @PACE_News @Diplomat_APAC @AlexKokcharov @MarcelHVanHerpe @pmakela1 @TetySt @Ukropo4kA @kolga @RedWhiteRedLV @lostson_ @KresySiberia @AndisKudors Reminder from @AnIllarionov about reading @KremlinRussia_E texts. In March 2012 dicta
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-09-11 05:48:51)
Do not show this map to @KremlinRussia_E or anyone in
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-10-29 08:08:58)
@KremlinRussia_E Gelman analysis on opposition protests in Russia and life after Putin is akin to @V_Solovey analysis, with some differences of opinion, obviously! (in Russian) https://t.co/J8KKLuIqdl via @znak_com
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-11-29 09:51:26)
@KremlinRussia_E @V_Solovey @znak_com "Good job" #Kremlin dictator and his thuggish retinue. Is this a criminal @EmmanuelMacron wants to work with, to destroy the civilization we have jointly achieved in
Veiko Spolitis
(2019-12-21 10:25:26)
@PaulGoble1 @V_Solovey @InvestTatarstan @MongolDiplomacy @mfa_russia @PACE_News @Diplomat_APAC @AlexKokcharov @MarcelHVanHerpe @pmakela1 @TetySt @Ukropo4kA @kolga @RedWhiteRedLV @lostson_ @KresySiberia @AndisKudors @AnIllarionov @KremlinRussia_E @ConStelz @BSchmeitzner @kurt_obruny @TarasKuzio @Umla
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-29 12:25:30)
@KremlinRussia_E @V_Solovey @znak_com @EmmanuelMacron @RFERL If Russians do not want to see their state implode they have to work harder, give freedoms to their citizens & provide self determination rights to the autochtonous nations. Only such path will allow to make the economy competitive. ht
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-29 15:37:15)
#Siberia is waking up!
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-03-01 15:02:24)
@lennutrajektoor vaata kaarti
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-03-25 14:54:01)
Time of reckoning for @KremlinRussia_E arrives! "Chinese Outlet Says Russia Falling Apart and Its Neighbors Must Be Ready to Reclaim What is Rightfully Theirs" https://t.co/s0mT67jQXO via @PaulGoble1 https://t.co/7JbktlLZwD
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-03-26 08:51:50)
Regardless of what the official #Kremlin dezinformation spews, be brave Russia - vox populi vox dei! #OilPriceWar P.S. and obviously the Q was about who is going to lose it? https://t.co/QBc0Xe5N5s
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-03-26 17:11:27)
'#COVID2019 will kill private entrepreneurship in #Russia' https://t.co/e1fY1lZavZ via @raamoprusland
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-03-27 20:02:16)
THE END is approaching /КОНЕЦ приближается! https://t.co/ayafS7v77T via @rusbase @Sergey_Elkin https://t.co/mgR5rlg1Kv
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-04-04 18:16:00)
#COVID2019 Хотели как лучше но вышло как всегда
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-04-08 11:05:37)
Several commentators were preaching liberalization of societies in Russia, Belarus, and Quazaqstan. However, #HomoSoveticus matrix was always stronger. 1/2 https://t.co/px7JXEt006 via @TheEconomist https://t.co/2iTCuyg2Ex
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-04-08 11:14:41)
Would #COVID2019 bring about transformation of ruling regimes and liberalisation of those societies?
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-05-06 08:26:14)
Russia Now Losing Out to the PRC on Iranian Rail Route https://t.co/IFdDJetdwK via @JamestownTweets
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-05-27 07:50:20)
“The #SilkRoad project has the geostrategic goal of making a cluster of countries in the wide Eurasian space from PRC to Europe dependent on the PRC capital & economy” When Beijing subsidies will end, also Russian railways... https://t.co/QgtWAjcTdL https://t.co/4treZNp6qd
Veiko Spolitis
(2022-01-03 16:28:08)
Indeed https://t.co/0aEKXx9lWC
Veiko Spolitis
(2022-02-01 19:25:13)
To respond to the #Kremlin dictator's blatant lies I wish the humanity simply would pray for @KremlinRussia_E being fit enough to endure his final via dolorosa in order to mirror his beloved comrade Muammar Qadaffi by his own thuggish retinue. https://t.co/Culyolj31w
Veiko Spolitis
(2022-05-29 17:13:41)
Timely article that speeds up the end of this longish thread running from 2017. #DisintegrationofRussianEmpire https://t.co/SxBujEVmje
Veiko Spolitis
(2022-06-06 11:37:02)
It is a fact, Russian Empire is dying in front if everybody & this is a good news not only for those imprisoned in a “prison of nations”, but also for humanity

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