And so the right wing of Latvian twitter slips into its routine of retweeting "bad n-word of the day" items - not because some individual cases are outrageous (the crime or the punishment) but to argue that ALL PEOPLE of a race or ethnicity are by default suspect if not evil. 4 atbildes

(2023-02-08 11:28:13)
And so the right wing of Latvian twitter slips into its routine of retweeting "bad n-word of the day" items - not because some individual cases are outrageous (the crime or the punishment) but to argue that ALL PEOPLE of a race or ethnicity are by default suspect if not evil.
(2023-02-08 11:32:34)
The fundamental somewhat dog-whistled narrative is that all people of color/arabs/south Asians are inherently dangerous based on individual outrages, so they must be demonized, isolated, feared and stigmatized.
(2023-02-08 11:36:30)
A repeat theme is that any comparison with Latvian/Baltic refugees and migrants is wrong, because Balts being white, Christian and middle class post-war emigres never caused any trouble (not entirely true). Post 1991 Baltic migrants are another story, though no dramatic.
(2023-02-08 11:38:56)
The Latvian twitter right wing also frequently retweets extreme, borderline (and no so borderline) racist, fearmongering websites as part of this ongoing narrative that can be summed up "No Wogs, no Muslims".
(2023-02-08 11:39:58)
This just to summarize what routinely goes on here for those who don't read Latvian or perhaps the tranlation function doesn't work.

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