I'm learning type hinting in Python, and am currently stuck on this – The error mypy gives for the second case is: Incompatible return value type (got "Set[int]", expected "Set[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]") https://t.co/UHV2fEne6H 1 atbildes

Pēteris Caune
(2022-09-28 11:44:51)
I'm learning type hinting in Python, and am currently stuck on this – The error mypy gives for the second case is: Incompatible return value type (got "Set[int]", expected "Set[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]") https://t.co/UHV2fEne6H
Pēteris Caune
(2022-09-28 14:19:13)
I think I found the answer in mypy docs: https://t.co/XqdJcwRLaO https://t.co/1p129ydDOk

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