If you want to donate to @RedCrossUkraine and you also like piano music, this Bandcamp album is for you! Proud to be a part of this wonderful compilation "ДОДОМУ I" - the first volume is out today! https://t.co/z9i3582a5o #standwithukraine #SupportUkraine 3 atbildes

Aija Alsiņa
(2022-03-11 16:25:57)
If you want to donate to @RedCrossUkraine and you also like piano music, this Bandcamp album is for you! Proud to be a part of this wonderful compilation "ДОДОМУ I" - the first volume is out today! https://t.co/z9i3582a5o #standwithukraine #SupportUkraine
Aija Alsiņa
(2022-03-11 16:28:44)
@RedCrossUkraine A series of albums with over 100 musicians from around the world who stand with Ukraine. One release per week. Thank you @dougthomasmusic for organizing this awesome project and including my piece, "What Kind of World".
Aija Alsiņa
(2022-03-11 16:35:40)
Додому is Ukranian for home;what the world wishes for the Ukrainians today.While we will not be able to offer the end of the war,or any sense of serenity to the people of Ukraine,we aim,with our tiny hands,to bring support,resources and perhaps a breather to everyone that suffer.
Aija Alsiņa
(2022-03-11 16:37:18)
Додому I is available on @bandcamp only. Donate. Support. Share and spread the word, let’s raise for Ukraine. #StandForUkraine #SupportUkraine

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