1/2 It reminded my childhood observations in the USSR occupied Latvia and would partially answer to Toomas Q. I was wondering as a child, why did we have to suffer cold in clasrooms while workers were always repairing heating pipes in November-December? https://t.co/yqCGWnClND 1 atbildes

Veiko Spolitis
(2022-01-14 20:50:38)
1/2 It reminded my childhood observations in the USSR occupied Latvia and would partially answer to Toomas Q. I was wondering as a child, why did we have to suffer cold in clasrooms while workers were always repairing heating pipes in November-December? https://t.co/yqCGWnClND
Veiko Spolitis
(2022-01-14 20:55:50)
2/2 When I later inquired reasons for that from blue collar workers I got an answer. Soviet made pipes were only half a problem. The other reason was payment methodology - if you worked during winter season you got bonuses, thus plumbers learned about additional income.

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