Ja es kaut ko nezinu, tad arī pasaku. 3 no šiem karogiem es šodien YouTube ieraudzīju pirmo reizi. Arī Latgales karogs bija jaunums 2 atbildes

Lauris Reiniks
(2021-06-06 23:01:31)
Ja es kaut ko nezinu, tad arī pasaku. 3 no šiem karogiem es šodien YouTube ieraudzīju pirmo reizi. Arī Latgales karogs bija jaunums
Lauris Reiniks
(2021-06-06 23:10:03)
To my English speaking followers: don't feel confused if you don't know most of these flags. I didn't, too, until today. Latvia and Lithuania are the only existing countries. Latgale is a region in Latvia with their own historical flag. The rest is history that has vanished.
Lauris Reiniks
(2021-06-06 23:13:34)
@RalfsEilands Es tev pateikšu tikai vienu - aīns, dwāi, ketturjai....paldies.

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