With meticulous research (going through 45 000 pages of formerly secret financial data) Prof Krūmiņš destroyed Moscow's central myth about the #Baltic States! 5 atbildes

Veiko Spolitis
(2019-12-10 11:15:13)
With meticulous research (going through 45 000 pages of formerly secret financial data) Prof Krūmiņš destroyed Moscow's central myth about the #Baltic States!
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-06 20:35:55)
@VidzAugstskola Dear comrades @state_duma! Instead of citing discredited and wrong Soviet historiography better read newest scholarship @VidzAugstskola. / Товарищи @state_duma! Вам просто промывают мозги советские дураки и лжецы https://t.co/FjTFIQi9Jv
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-19 17:42:44)
@VidzAugstskola R.Rebane: "#Kremlin rebuilding a Stalinist myth about WWII. [...] Kremlin propagandon Kiselev accused "Polish greed" for outbreak of WWII four years ago on RTR. Do Polish memory wars with Kremlin affect us in #Estonia? Yes, they do!" https://t.co/pG0roM50uC via @err_ee
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-19 17:52:59)
@VidzAugstskola @err_ee R.Rebane warns us Europeans from such falsifiers of history as Yevgeny Spitsin & Jacob Kedmi who have millions of followers on social media. They brainwash Russian speaking population on an industrial scale, and no academic scholarship can help against such proselytizing
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-19 18:01:04)
@VidzAugstskola @err_ee @SlawomirDebski @KresySiberia @lostson_ @lennutrajektoor @pmakela1 @MSnegovaya @MarcelHVanHerpe @kolga And it is not only history hacks we Europeans are facing. Read @SlawomirDebski warning because we face the same Orwellian beast peddling Soviet=Russian falsehoods, having
Veiko Spolitis
(2020-02-19 18:06:34)
@VidzAugstskola @err_ee @SlawomirDebski @KresySiberia @lostson_ @lennutrajektoor @pmakela1 @MSnegovaya @MarcelHVanHerpe @kolga '@SlawomirDebski: "I am shocked, [...] after hundreds of books & thousands of articles, archival documents published over the last 30 years, Prof Avineri still sticks wi

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