AR is a gimmick and will die. I called it first :) 8 atbildes
(2018-02-26 16:36:36)
AR is a gimmick and will die. I called it first :)
Aigars Mahinovs
(2018-02-26 17:20:35)
@normis - apparently this M16 combat rifle derivative is now over 50 years old and can be b…
Martins Ozolins
(2018-02-26 17:27:42)
@normis Ja Tu doma augmented reality - domaju tas bus huge massmarket pielietojums, Virtual reality - specifiskaks,…
(2018-02-26 18:19:40)
@martinsoz Es par AR telefonos
(2018-02-26 18:20:10)
@aigarius Es par telefonu ekrānos lietojamu Augmented Reality
Aigars Mahinovs
(2018-02-26 18:24:53)
@normis You are not on-topic with world events, mate :D Es gaidu kad augmented reality būs normali funkcionāls auto…
(2018-02-26 18:25:12)
@aigarius Fine, but not on phone screens
Martins Ozolins
(2018-02-26 18:34:19)
@normis A, telefonos domaju tiesam varetu but gimmick. Brilles aizies uz urra, bet masmarketam bus jaizgudro perman…
(2018-02-26 18:38:09)
@martinsoz Šis jā:

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