Rise up and take the power back, it's time that The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that Their time is coming to an end 6 atbildes

(2010-02-19 23:54:17)
Rise up and take the power back, it's time that The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that Their time is coming to an end
Eriks Stendzenieks
(2010-02-19 23:57:56)
@neo4ata Sure! The Force is Strong! Sveicieni Benvenuto.
Ilze Znotiņa
(2010-02-20 00:04:39)
@E_Stendzenieks Kā Tev patīk justies gudrākam par visiem! Cik cilvēcīgi :)
Ilze Znotiņa
(2010-02-20 00:29:17)
@neo4ata Vēl nāks piektais gads, asins lietus līs... http://youtu.be/86T5EJyMc4I
(2010-02-20 00:36:15)
@neo4ata RATM ar mazliet citiem akcentiem :) http://tinyurl.com/yoagvy.
(2010-02-20 00:39:23)
@E_Stendzenieks kaut ka nožēlojami lasīt jau 4x Tavu Beņa sludināšanu... mēs, sekotaji, dzirdējām, viss kārtībā.
(2010-02-20 00:45:15)
@neo4ata Un par valdībām kā tādām http://tinyurl.com/yh4bdw7.

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