He he - @Flattr is in the 1st spot of HackerNews . You are welcome and enjoy while it lasts! :D https://t.co/kP7Ea1cfsU 2 atbildes

(2017-10-26 16:29:42)
He he - @Flattr is in the 1st spot of HackerNews . You are welcome and enjoy while it lasts! :D https://t.co/kP7Ea1cfsU
Kaspars Foigts
(2017-10-26 20:07:52)
@Endijs @Flattr Read the comments. Hell broke.
(2017-10-26 20:25:44)
@laacz @Flattr Comments (good and bad) plus discussion was what i was hoping for when made submission. @Flattr can… https://t.co/M5DowlLTSD

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