Do not upgrade servers or push code to production on Fridays. No matter how trivial is the change. #lessonLearned 3 atbildes

(2016-06-04 00:24:49)
Do not upgrade servers or push code to production on Fridays. No matter how trivial is the change. #lessonLearned
Kirils Solovjovs
(2016-06-04 01:03:30)
@Endijs what?! What other time to do it? This is the only way - you have whole weekend ahead to make it work before Monday.
(2016-06-04 01:10:55)
@KirilsSolovjovs if you are solo fighter, then that's 1 thing. If you need to keep others up (or make them work on weekends),that's another.
Kirils Solovjovs
(2016-06-04 01:21:08)
@Endijs you wouldn't want to stop the business running just because you want to not work overtime. that's the job. like a firefighter.

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