Ever wanted to know when that long running shell command will finish? For commands that involve data transfers use coreutils progress. For other commands I just wrote a tool called "vprogress". https://t.co/JPJpdYdUrR https://t.co/NvnnOCxKZR 1 atbildes

Kirils Solovjovs
(2021-01-11 01:52:06)
Ever wanted to know when that long running shell command will finish? For commands that involve data transfers use coreutils progress. For other commands I just wrote a tool called "vprogress". https://t.co/JPJpdYdUrR https://t.co/NvnnOCxKZR
Kirils Solovjovs
(2021-01-11 01:52:06)
Want to know how many files are remaining in a folder? vprogress "ls -1 . |wc -l" Want to know how long until your uptime reaches 20000? vprogress 20000 "cat /proc/uptime | cut -d ' ' -f 1" Your rx network speed? vprogress 'cat /proc/net/dev | grep wlan0| awk {print $2}'

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