Dažkārt fans palasīt Quora. It sevišķi tur ir viens padomju laiku (anti)propogandists, dzīvojošs kaut kur rietumvalstīs un viņa komentāri. Ļauj saprast mentalitāti. Piem: https://t.co/O91fQ4r7an 2 atbildes

(2020-12-09 09:40:28)
Dažkārt fans palasīt Quora. It sevišķi tur ir viens padomju laiku (anti)propogandists, dzīvojošs kaut kur rietumvalstīs un viņa komentāri. Ļauj saprast mentalitāti. Piem: https://t.co/O91fQ4r7an
(2020-12-09 09:40:29)
"Our attitude to Estonians, like the rest of the Balts, is very much like of an ex from a lousy relationship. We were sort of married, but it never felt like marriage. More like roommates with privileges. ... Skat nākošo tw
(2020-12-09 09:40:29)
Now imagine your former ex who you tried hard to impress and act cool, but who is now with some other guy, and tells everyone left and right that you were not cool at all."

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