i genuinely believe a lot of people don't realize how quickly you can lose everything. we depend on having a car to get to work, a phone to get calls from potential employers, a job to keep a roof over our heads and all these things depend on eachother to keep going https://t.co/2U3syGlHwJ 2 atbildes

(2020-08-15 23:51:11)
i genuinely believe a lot of people don't realize how quickly you can lose everything. we depend on having a car to get to work, a phone to get calls from potential employers, a job to keep a roof over our heads and all these things depend on eachother to keep going https://t.co/2U3syGlHwJ
(2020-08-15 23:53:19)
our car got repossessed a few years back when we had to choose whether to pay rent or car payments and if we hadn't lived in a place with semi decent public transport my partner wouldn't have been able to keep their job. we only were able to get the car back bc a friend helped us
(2020-08-15 23:54:26)
most people don't get that lucky and they might lose their car entirely, then their job, then their home. it super fucking scary and i don't wish going through that on anyone

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