Repeat after me: “Bug bounty hunting is not a job. I do it only for fun and/or as a service to the community. Whatever money I get for that I consider a gift.” 1 atbildes

Kirils Solovjovs
(2020-07-14 12:51:35)
Repeat after me: “Bug bounty hunting is not a job. I do it only for fun and/or as a service to the community. Whatever money I get for that I consider a gift.”
Aleksejs Mjaliks
(2020-07-14 15:23:29)
@KirilsSolovjovs Vakar kāreiz gadījās noklausīties interesantu interviju ar Kate Moussouris, kas citā starpā ieviesa bug-bounty programmu Microsoft. Viena no atziņām, ka tikai ļoti niecīgs skaits speciālistu var nopelnīt ar šīm atlīdzībām.

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