I need a room with predefined amenities in Paris on specific dates with varying occupancy in a hotel having at leas… https://t.co/qSMn2MeOgS 4 atbildes

Kirils Solovjovs
(2019-05-08 16:42:28)
I need a room with predefined amenities in Paris on specific dates with varying occupancy in a hotel having at leas… https://t.co/qSMn2MeOgS
(2019-05-08 16:43:33)
@KirilsSolovjovs Revolut Metal includes personal assistant :)
Kirils Solovjovs
(2019-05-08 16:43:54)
I’m aware there are travel agents and personal assistants for that, but has noone automated that? Should be doable… https://t.co/epfOEjh53S
Kirils Solovjovs
(2019-05-08 17:13:49)
@normis Would the personal assistant also agree to meet me in person to verify my identity so I don’t have to risk with uploading my ID?
Kirils Solovjovs
(2019-05-08 17:13:55)
@normis forgot the ;)

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