I so agree with everything she says in her speech. Powerful and so true. "Nationalism is our threat today and perv… https://t.co/PMX0pzPg0H 1 atbildes

Lauris Reiniks
(2018-10-15 20:28:56)
I so agree with everything she says in her speech. Powerful and so true. "Nationalism is our threat today and perv… https://t.co/PMX0pzPg0H
Lauris Reiniks
(2018-10-15 20:36:09)
Gribētos šo runu iztulkot latviski, lai saprastu visi. Arī tie, kas nerunā angliski. Ārkārtīgi laba, vērtīga un spēcīga runa un doma.

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