2021-09-19 93 ziņas

Artis Schlossberg
(23:57:12) links

RT @MStefan92: @vtchakarova on @ThreeSeas24 #GenFree Conference also about worst-case scenario for 3SI and new Iron curtain which could eme…

Artis Schlossberg
(23:45:30) links

RT @Danjsalt: French politics is in a meltdown

Artis Schlossberg
(23:43:40) links

RT @realNepareizais: Interesanti būs sekot līdzi kā šamos tiesās. Vai arī netiesās …

Artis Schlossberg
(23:05:03) links

RT @jcbehrends: 16 Jahre #Ostpolitik von Angela Merkel: den Preis zahlen wir alle. Entweder es wird kalt oder teuer oder beides. #NordStre

Artis Schlossberg
(22:52:36) links

RT @SlawomirDebski: “I spoke with US @SecBlinken …He assured me that “nothing will be decided about you without you”…when rumours appeared…

(22:49:12) links

RT @zzzybkin: Сделай правильный выбор ради будущего Айти https://t.co/wJZV3A44Td

Artis Schlossberg
(22:35:19) links

RT @_JakubJanda: Australian diplomats and natsec officials say privately: French talk on how France supports Australia within its Indo Pac…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:31:23) links

RT @realNepareizais: Poļu robežsargi pie Baltkrievijas robežas atraduši 3 nelegālo migrantu līķus.Pirms tam baltkrievi ziņoja, ka pie robež…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:21:18) links

RT @_JakubJanda: If SPD leads the German government, Central & Eastern Europe will REALLY be scared. We have seen SPD develop and push thr…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:14:08) links

RT @JavierBlas: Natural gas, nuclear and coal are, right now, keeping the lights on in the United Kingdom (~75% of electricity generation).…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:11:00) links

RT @Anna_M_Dyner: Białoruski Komitet Graniczny już oskarża Polskę (https://t.co/GhQG91dz2n) Biorąc pod uwagę wczorajsze wystąpienie Łukasze…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:10:24) links

RT @aeberman12: Natural gas is the major fuel for power generation in Europe. "Gas and electricity prices are soaring, windmills are stand…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:08:46) links

RT @CyrusShares: As a result, the current plutonium pit production capacity that only two plants are capable of, is no more than 100 pits a…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:07:39) links

RT @Apvaarsnis: Ko Š izdarīja, lai neviens nacionālists nevēlētos par šo veidojumu balsot, pat lai novāktu Kariņa valdības neliešu bandu no…

Artis Schlossberg
(22:02:03) links

RT @ltvdefacto: Krievijas militārās mācības “Zapad” un @Latvijas_armija treniņus “Namejs” pavada arī cīņa informācijas laukā. Telefonkrāpš…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:46:13) links

@juriskazha @zuravlevs @frakcija @Eriks_the_Great @MyronGainezzz @dzimmijs13 @kasmaresku @tantenoIaukiem @Eraksti @Dainis_R36M @20201984_2020 @liana_langa @Mikipele6 @Jautajums4 @artis_dobrajs @Jnis25912490 @ainissprogis @kristapsk @BrerRab11948382 @Skaren18392546 @PiparsJanka @IvetaVucena @Beta_Cen

Artis Schlossberg
(21:32:33) links

RT @KofmanMichael: Zapad Day 5 https://t.co/0LAK1V8y39

Artis Schlossberg
(21:29:22) links

RT @wokal_distance: I'm pro vaccine but I'm against vaccine passports. I can be against passports without attacking the vaccine. Keep you…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:27:25) links

RT @TradBritGroup: "Preening ourselves about our green credentials, and thus choosing not to exploit huge gas resources under our land and…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:23:17) links

RT @TradBritGroup: GBS, Fabian Society member and Stalin fan-girl.

Artis Schlossberg
(21:16:00) links

RT @wh0d4t: Apparently he didn’t get the memo from the FDA

Artis Schlossberg
(21:13:01) links

RT @akoz33: Two different kinds of conservatism. (This difference has always existed and today is no different from the past). https://t.co…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:10:46) links

RT @dossierchernov: Soviet Agents of Influence by Herbert Romerstein. Nice short reading about Soviet intelligence working methods they sti…

Artis Schlossberg
(21:00:11) links

Yet you did not speak up when Trump was booted off Twitter. You remained silent when #BigTech pulled the plug for Parler. “Private companies can do as they please”, right? You are either principled, in which case the principle is universal, *or* you are hypocritical. You choose. https://t.co/YOgulo

Artis Schlossberg
(20:46:20) links

RT @ConceptualJames: Tyrant.

Artis Schlossberg
(20:09:48) links

RT @aeberman12: Europe Is Running Scarily Low on Gas "Europe’s own natural gas production has been in a long-term decline. Output is past…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:35:44) links

RT @ggreenwald: Huge majorities of Democrats -- huge -- favor not only having Big Tech monopolies censor the internet more, but also favor…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:35:15) links

RT @ggreenwald: "Removing people from these [social media] platforms works, and we need to keep doing it, and doing it more aggressively" -…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:26:20) links

RT @CyrusShares: The birth country of #Antifa as we know it Originally organized during Reagan's visit in West Germany with help from #KGB

Artis Schlossberg
(18:33:47) links

@aigarius @manssaprats Nekādas vainas nav, kamēr tā ir tikai viena no izvēlēm, nevis eksluzīvs, valsts uzspiests veids kā saņemt kādu pakalpojumu. Jāsaglabā analogā iespēja tiem, kas šādus čipus nevēlās, jo arī kopienām, kas noraida čipus u.c. tehnoloģiju, ir tiesības eksistēt:https://t.co/nUk1bPVlf

Artis Schlossberg
(18:00:40) links

RT @trader_ferg: The current US power mix is: ~60% fossil fuels: 25% coal and 35% nat gas. ~20% nuclear ~20% Renewables 7.3% Hydro, 8.4% w…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:50:37) links

RT @esesmuespats: @Eraksti @marvtls Nē. Esot aprēķināts, ka pārrautu katru nākamo dambi. Cik atceros, tad padomjlaikā vismaz uz Ķeguma damb…

Artis Schlossberg
(17:49:49) links

RT @PeterZeihan: This is a demographic tipping point. Left unchecked, this is how countries dissolve into history. https://t.co/hsPeSJ2Imo

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(17:36:59) links

RT @KevinRothrock: Insofar as I understand this, the commission is encoding the numbers displayed online as letters not numbers, meaning th…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(17:36:28) links

RT @KevinRothrock: Russian Central Election Commission hides voting numbers using customized online encoding, making it far harder for data…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:36:51) links

RT @IndoPac_Info: #European Parliament resolution blames #Pakistan for assisting #Taliban in fighting #PanjshirResistance front "Pakistan…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:16:33) links

RT @realNepareizais: Vācija pastiprinājusi kontroli uz Polijas robežas, lai cīnītos ar nelegālo migrantu kontrabandu no Baltkrievijas. Pēdē…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:07:32) links

RT @ervinsk: Draudu nav.

Artis Schlossberg
(15:47:52) links

RT @manssaprats: Jums čipu ar varu neimplantēs. To darīsiet brīvprātīgi, brīvprātīgi piespiedu un piespiedu kārtā tā saucamajiem kartupeļie…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:45:13) links

RT @apollo_lv: Gadu pēc Rebenoka slepkavības policija turpina izmeklēt divas nozieguma versijas https://t.co/arLn9LfHvx

Artis Schlossberg
(15:40:02) links

RT @puarolv: Gadu pēc advokāta Pāvela Rebenoka slepkavības policija joprojām pārbauda videonovērošanas kameru ierakstus https://t.co/aUzNKg…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:39:28) links

RT @janiszvers: Rebenoka mājā noziedznieki iekļuva atspiežot durvis, advokāts sists ar rokām, kājām un dēļiem. Uzbrucēji bijuši 3, maskās,…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:38:39) links

RT @bailes2018: Kāpēc gadu pēc Rebenoka slepkavības policija joprojām nav spējusi pat noskatīties videoreģistratoru ierakstus? Ļoti iespēja…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:31:35) links

RT @Legion101A: ANO

Artis Schlossberg
(15:22:33) links

RT @leemakiyama: Never thought the transatlantic “alliance” twitter would implode over a refund policy and not “values”.

Artis Schlossberg
(15:18:37) links

RT @balt_security: Use of abandoned airfield near Biała Podlaska, Poland

Artis Schlossberg
(15:04:26) links

RT @ggreenwald: Someone please explain to me the scientific rationale for requiring servants indoors to have cloth covering their face, whi…

Artis Schlossberg
(15:04:11) links

RT @ggreenwald: In new video from Vogue, AOC and her boyfriend passed through a large team of masked servants -- all while they remain mask…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:52:21) links

RT @Egriks: Vakcinētais saslimis. Visas liecina- covids.Vajadzētu testu taisīt. Bet - nē, nekādā gadījumā! Sertifikātu apturēs! Es taču vak…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:21:30) links

RT @CyrusShares: I've always warned that the #BigTech #censorship of #FreeSpeech and political opinion was only the beginning of widespread…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:08:53) links

RT @ESvirskis: @VL_TBLNNK @JanisIesalnieks @krisjaniskarins @MGolubeva_LV jūs esat kautko dzirdējuši par migrantu krīzi uz Latvijas robežas…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:06:55) links

RT @o_piotrowski: @tobyvogel In Poland we have a saying dating back to 1939 when France defaulted on our treaty and did not come to help: "…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:00:24) links

RT @sumlenny: Just for understanding: Navalny’s “clever voting” de facto urges ppl to vote for communists (in most cases 2nd popular candid…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:58:41) links

RT @_JakubJanda: If France and Germany keep pretending that countering China is only an American priority and the US should be responsible…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:55:38) links

RT @JolantaRubene: @Mikipele6 @Prusis @Latvijas_armija Un kur ir Prezidents? Arī apmierināts, ka nekas nenotiek, vai arī, ka viss notiek, k…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:53:56) links

RT @irts1: @vmakarovs @tikums @MGolubeva_LV Kaut kad jau izdarīs, tāpat kā ar vakcīnām, iepirkām vēlu, kad tuvākie kaimiņi jau sen to bija…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:45:51) links

RT @vmakarovs: Cik daudz pseido bēgļu, kontrabandas preču nonāks Latvijā @MGolubeva_LV bezdarbības rezultātā. PAR ministrēšanas rezultāts-…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:45:22) links

RT @vmakarovs: Nu jau taisnība būs skeptiķiem. Kura gada septembrī Iekšlietu ministrija uzsāks pagaidu žoga izbūvi? Amatpersonu bezdarbības…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:38:30) links

RT @Marc41084659: https://t.co/weMApRP6H9

Artis Schlossberg
(13:29:59) links

RT @Kasparov63: I told Google execs 7 years ago that they would have to choose. They hid behind the safety of their employees in Russia, wh…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:22:16) links

RT @Scruton_Quotes: "When a radical Left movement becomes discredited, there is seldom an act of penitence. There is rather a sideways migr…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:07:02) links

RT @jautaa_veel: Tikmēr Veselības ministrijas parlamentārajam sekretāram Dūrītim no AttPar galvenā risināmā problēma ir ūdeļu labturība.

Artis Schlossberg
(12:58:40) links

RT @JolantaRubene: Varakļānu luterāņu baznīca (1879). Pēc II PK Varakļānu rajona partijas komiteja dievnamu atsavināja. Baznīcai nogāza tor…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:56:15) links

RT @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1996, a taxi driver spotted an abandoned North Korean submarine stuck off the coast of Gangneung, South Korea.…

(11:43:34) links

Proud to be an Apple customer! https://t.co/Mvx20WVpf2

Artis Schlossberg
(11:28:21) links

RT @liana_langa: Pārkrievota baltkrieva skumjas: "Vladimirs Marudenoks pēc tautības ir baltkrievs – tēvs baltkrievs, vecmāte krieviete, otr…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:09:23) links

RT @marvtls: Ja kāds talibs HES tunelī ievestu fūri ar amonija nitrātu, tad pēc dažām stundām Ķengarags būtu 2m zem ūdens. Bet sliktākais b…

Artis Schlossberg
(11:06:08) links

RT @LeonidsKalnins: Īpašas spējas, augsta profesionalitāte un nesatricināma uzticība mērķim, ko sauc par gatavību būt izciliem valstiskuma…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:44:15) links

RT @realNepareizais: Irākiešiem atkal kaut kādi nemieri

Artis Schlossberg
(10:36:58) links

RT @libsoftiktok: Australia is now full on fascism https://t.co/6VcBwYlTDL

Artis Schlossberg
(10:26:46) links

RT @hdevreij: Current position of the Russian navy's research ship Yantar. It looks like Danish navy vessel HDMS Absalon had a closer look…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:22:42) links

RT @voldemars: Saeimas likumprojektā apgalvots, ka "ka holokaustā tika iznīcināti 90% LV pirmskara ebreju kopienas". Zināms, ka > 25% evak…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:22:03) links

RT @_JakubJanda: If European countries do not start pushing back against Chinese hostilities very soon, they will be basically ignored by t…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:17:40) links

RT @KBlumberga: +/- 40 noziedznieki brīvi klejo pa Latviju,gatavībā veikt nākamos nn? Kāpēc @MGolubeva_LV vēl joprojām ir @IeM_gov_lv amat…

Artis Schlossberg
(10:04:37) links

RT @_JakubJanda: China decided not to hand over data to WHO on how the pandemic started. Soviet Union rejected any real international inve…

Artis Schlossberg
(09:59:22) links

RT @_JakubJanda: How Washington sees it: - Europeans are weak and soft on China. So much talk and little action - we need to build defenc…

Artis Schlossberg
(02:43:31) links

RT @BRyvkin: LOL

Artis Schlossberg
(02:42:59) links

RT @bramham_daphne: A Chinese student in Canada had two followers on Twitter. He still didn’t escape Beijing’s threats over online activity…

Artis Schlossberg
(02:38:07) links

RT @SilenceInPolish: A quarter of a million Poles were under British command in 1945. Quarter of a million. And still they won't be cons…

Artis Schlossberg
(02:23:10) links

RT @TatAtfender: Poland’s PM says his country must close ranks with its Baltic allies against Russia’s “neo-imperial urges” & "a wave of di…

Artis Schlossberg
(02:05:07) links

RT @BRyvkin: French pull out of NATO’s military structure, then come back in, then call NATO braindead and make noise about EU “strategic a…

Artis Schlossberg
(01:43:01) links

RT @AStuttaford: Aukus is a disaster for the EU https://t.co/30NOD9qAxu via @spectator

Artis Schlossberg
(01:34:12) links

RT @RoryMaw: @AStuttaford @spectator No chance of EU agreeing common international policy. Experience of Eastern countries, their visceral…

Artis Schlossberg
(01:10:54) links

RT @OzoVita: Mamma lepna. Mans varonis. 100 km noieti.

Artis Schlossberg
(00:54:40) links

RT @DanielEChangC: Putin almost kills Navalny, Macron keeps his ambassador. Biden makes a submarine deal with the Aussies, Macron loses hi…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:53:04) links

RT @tanjamaier17: I am thinking about how Navalny himself was upset when Trump was banned, saying today it’s him but tomorrow it will be us…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:46:58) links

RT @RCCoulombe: This scene could be anywhere from Tyrol to Transylvania or Czechia to Croatia; at happens, it is Ljubljana. But it undersco…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:45:25) links

RT @CyrusShares: When the power tech companies have so much power to censor the leader of the free world, no one else is going to be safe.…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:17:52) links

RT @akoz33: So, apparently, in the minds of Kremlin ideologists a simple plan has emerged, which is to tell the Democrats that Navalny is,…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:17:24) links

RT @CyrusShares: “I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship,” @navalny said “Don’t tell me he wa…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:17:11) links

RT @Andrew_Adonis: Angela Merkel & Alexei Navalny, great democrats both, think it wrong for Twitter as a private company to ban Trump witho…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:16:42) links

RT @cvpayne: The left loves to quote the ACLU and Angela Merkel. I wonder why they are ignoring these champions of freedom and individual…

Artis Schlossberg
(00:16:09) links

Kā jau Navaļnijs solīja — Trampa bloķēšana Rietumiem atspēlēsies, jo Krievija ar līdzīgiem “argumentiem” vēsu mieru bloķēs Navaļniju u.c. opozīciju. Q.E.D. https://t.co/duxEXT0wCJ


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