2018-12-03 16 ziņas

(23:12:56) links

Reminder, my story on media-hostile @AldisGobzems efforts to form a government in Latvia can be read here:https://t.co/COxBt7sV6h

Pēteris Caune
(23:09:20) links

On forgetting stuff, from a forgotten blog https://t.co/6vCWuU5uvE

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(22:19:42) links

RT @ruskin147: Click on the G.20 link- how did this happen?! https://t.co/WtVLZfGCJO

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(22:17:18) links

RT @aaranged: There's a new Google rich result in town, "Q&A Page", powered by #schema.org/QAPage, Question and Answer. Specifications: ht…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(20:02:13) links

RT @SevaUT: if you, like any normal person, want to keep up with all news of Orthodox priests blessing military equipment, the account to f…

(20:01:18) links

My week on Twitter

(18:23:13) links

Nē, naida runa ir grūti definējama un faktiski neesmu par tās sodīšanu, bet par NOSODĪŠANU un mūsu neo-nacistus “va… https://t.co/uvHKdGJ50d

(18:07:51) links

Nav jau runa par to, te runā demonizācija un rasisms, nekādus čornožopas mūsu baltā kristīgā Eiropā, kas izcīnīja… https://t.co/8YlZB0aiCz

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(17:25:02) links

RT @AnnaRotkirch: Nice BBC investigation into the attraction & success of the Finnish #babybox featuring @kela @vaestoliitto @smirnoa0 Wh…

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(16:34:11) links

RT @NovasTaylor: #FHIR in #RDF at #SWAT4HCLS https://t.co/HxgoYVpLXG

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(13:22:49) links

RT @csarasuagar: In

Uldis Bojars (captsolo@toot.lv)
(12:08:10) links

RT @timberners_lee: The #CopyrightDirective would hurt small-scale creatives and startups who would be unable to comply with a regulatory m…

(11:58:45) links

Nekur neliks, paranoju varot ārstēt, migrācija bija, ir un arī nākotnē būs vēstures motors ar abpusgriezīgiem bet s… https://t.co/oKCK6OmPku

(11:49:01) links

Ja jātramda daži pro-Kremļa aktīvisti vai jāprasa Krievijas TV kanālu slēgšana, tad “naida runa” ir latviešu mīlākā… https://t.co/7iIDbhW38n

(11:44:56) links

Histēriski murgi. Iebraucēju skaits Eiropā ir krasi krities. Nav nekāda nekontroletā migrācija. Eiropā esam 500 mil… https://t.co/ZOu2FDLfPH

(09:00:55) links

Our biggest fans this week: @IngaSpringe, @kaspars_gasuns, @lastguru_net. Thank you! via https://t.co/hQk94OJGQ9 https://t.co/RHAJlA1i34

2024-04-18 0 ziņas

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