2020-09-01 27 ziņas

(23:03:02) links

An Interesting Explanation of async/await in JavaScript - https://t.co/1wZvHmUqKF In this post I’m going to explain, step by step, how to use async/await in JavaScript. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/lUvOtKjYH8

(22:10:02) links

Rethinking Table Design for Mobile - https://t.co/LVk51Abc5Q Walk through ways to rethink table design so that your data and information looks just as amazing on a phone as it does on any other larger device. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/qfh8kXtWDh

(21:06:01) links

Diagonal Thumbnail Slideshow Animation - https://t.co/4KjUXxMdka A simple slideshow with tilted thumbnails and large titles that animate when navigating. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/deMKleTpJV

Janis Krums (
(20:34:47) links

RT @naval: The only two ways to coordinate human societies at scale are free markets and physical power. Any ideology rejecting free mark…

Artis Schlossberg
(20:25:27) links

RT @DarthPutinKGB: OTD in 2004 Kremlin critic Anna Politkovskaya was poisoned. While on a flight. After asking for tea. https://t.co/lsq4qu…

(20:03:02) links

How to Make a Media Query-less Card Component - https://t.co/KquPy1Sby8 It’s possible to create responsive components without any media queries at all. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/z9Eaa64Rrm

Artis Schlossberg
(19:13:30) links

RT @akmens: Roberts Putnis vēl nesen bija "Progresīvo" vadītājs. Manuprāt,arī liela daļa citu "Progresīvo" nekādu īstu piederību Latvijai…

Artis Schlossberg
(19:04:11) links

RT @janissilins2018: Paldies @Eglajs par vizualizāciju. https://t.co/H2EUmoc2Xq

(19:01:04) links

Building React Apps With Storybook - https://t.co/nDf7yDt8vX Learn how to build & test react components in isolation using Storybook. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/HmAEKAYrfy

Janis Krums (
(18:34:46) links

This should be good! https://t.co/pQq5rZeLtU

Artis Schlossberg
(16:50:54) links

RT @liana_langa: RT @DelfiLV Par Latvijas iedzīvotāju deportāciju noniecināšanu piespriež 240 stundas piespiedu darba https://t.co/z9QoJTJ…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:17:16) links

RT @austrisslavins1: Lukašenko režīms sācis represijas pret Baltkrievijas katoļiem. Atpakaļ valstī neļauj atgriezties Menskas - Mogiļevas a…

Artis Schlossberg
(16:13:19) links

RT @realNepareizais: Par krievu valodu. Izraēlā, Ukrainā, Latvijā. Pilns teksts

Artis Schlossberg
(16:05:01) links

RT @AlexKokcharov: Brilliant take by political cartoonist @Sergey_Elkin of the current state of #Belarus-#Russia affairs. The document in P…

(15:43:54) links

1 sept videoblogs https://t.co/HJqrOdXFHa via @YouTube Latviski/in Latvian

Artis Schlossberg
(14:18:15) links

RT @valstsgriba: Mūsu visu kopējā telpa ir demokrātiska, tiesiska, sociāli atbildīga un nacionāla Latvija, kur kopējā valoda ir latviešu va…

Artis Schlossberg
(14:13:30) links

RT @Fotovietas: Paldies @NaurisRolavs kas pavasarī ieteica šo vietu. Tiškova kalns (vairāk gan tā virsotnē esošais ugunsnovērošanas tornis)…

Artis Schlossberg
(13:14:52) links

RT @GorseFires: "Allows". What a strange phrase to use! Especially when Russia has active operations against Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Ukra…

(12:28:27) links

Mūsu (manis un Unas) jaunieša, kam nupat palika 25, jaunākiie (ne)darbi: https://t.co/O4anKUrp1y

Artis Schlossberg
(12:17:15) links

RT @GitanasNauseda: OTD #Soviet army was withdrawn from

Artis Schlossberg
(12:12:30) links

RT @liana_langa: Ragozin continues to search for Hitler and “white terror” in Latvia. The aim can only be to cleavage and radicalise the pe…

(11:38:28) links

BREAKING NEWS! Rīgas domes kaķis Kuzja Rātsnamā neatgriezīsies (LETA)

Artis Schlossberg
(10:35:06) links

RT @akoz33: September 1 again. #OTD in 1939 Germany attacked Poland, in a secret partnership with the Soviet Union. I am retweeting again…

(01:57:12) links

RT @leonidragozin: Belarusian opposition is holding Solidarity Day on Sep 1, promising the greatest strike ever in country’s history. Peopl…

(01:47:21) links

RT @ThisWeekABC: Joe Biden: "I want a safe America. Safe from COVID. Safe from crime and looting. Safe from racially motivated violence. Sa…

(01:25:35) links

We've compiled over 30 of the best new free & premium UI kits to choose from, so you don't have to spend your valuable time searching. 30+ Fresh New UI Kits – Free and Premium - https://t.co/beexhD4MOU #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #UI #UIkits https://t.co/TaWHh

(00:06:01) links

Pure CSS Images: 35 Free CSS Cartoon Characters - https://t.co/uxnMioXrha Let's explore the use of pure CSS technique in creating and displaying images in web and mobile with these free CSS cartoon characters. #webdesign #webdesigner #webdev #webdeveloper #webdevelopment https://t.co/4XETiG4Ork

2024-04-19 0 ziņas

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