Defending the speech of people I sympathize with does not require me to cherish free speech. It's the other extreme — people who's views I find despicable; defending their right to speak (to people that want to listen to them) is what freedom of expression is all about. 5 atbildes

Kirils Solovjovs
(2021-01-12 22:51:13)
Defending the speech of people I sympathize with does not require me to cherish free speech. It's the other extreme — people who's views I find despicable; defending their right to speak (to people that want to listen to them) is what freedom of expression is all about.
Mr Di
(2021-01-12 22:56:10)
@KirilsSolovjovs Ok, name those people, name those views. Thanks.
Kirils Solovjovs
(2021-01-12 23:02:39)
@didzis_m Oh, no. That's opening another whole CoW (can of worms). Unfortunately People of the Internet™ are mostly unable to distinguish between supporting free speech and supporting a particular view or speaker.
Kirils Solovjovs
(2021-01-12 23:03:56)
@didzis_m The reason we've abolished death penalty is because we want to express our admiration for life, not because we want to support criminals.
Mr Di
(2021-01-12 23:11:29)
@KirilsSolovjovs I support freedom of speech, but not absolute freedom of speech. Just as it is now. It can be restricted by law. Fair enough!
Mr Di
(2021-01-12 23:14:39)
@KirilsSolovjovs Wrong. We abolished it first of all because a given sentence can be wrong.

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