Do not buy digital pregnancy tests!!! 7 atbildes

Signe Dean
(2020-09-04 08:02:48)
Do not buy digital pregnancy tests!!!
(2020-09-04 12:43:00)
@nevertoocurious Drīzāk, ziniet ko pērkat, jo ir arī īsti degitāli testi
Signe Dean
(2020-09-04 17:40:34)
@makulatuura Un ko tas "īstais" digitālais tests dara citādi?
(2020-09-04 17:50:58)
@nevertoocurious Ar sensoriem reaģē uz vielu klātbūtni "šķidrumā" un parāda rezultātu.
Signe Dean
(2020-09-05 02:52:50)
@makulatuura Ir kāds konkrēts brends kas tā strādā? Un kā tieši darbojas sensors, kas spēj noteikt hormonu līmeni urīnā?
Signe Dean
(2020-09-05 03:04:26)
Follow up: it's been pointed out that digital readouts can be more accessible to women struggling to interpret the test, which is a fair point. That said, it's still avoidable electronic waste and deceptive marketing. Buy a digital test if you want, but know what you're buying.
Signe Dean
(2020-09-05 03:04:57)
The BBC has a great summary:
Signe Dean
(2020-09-05 03:12:44)
By the way, apparently there are also some biodegradable pregnancy tests now. I'd rather buy one of those than choose a plastic strip encased in hard plastic and wrapped up with several bits of electronics and a battery. For a single use. So. Much. Waste.

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